Thursday, November 22, 2007

हिमाचल भाग ३

तीसरा दिन: यह दिन बहुत महत्वपूर्ण था क्योंकि आज हम रोहतांग के रस्ते कीलोंग जाने वाले थे| हमारी यात्रा प्रारंभ हुई दस बजे के आस पास| पहला पड़ाव था कोठी गांव| इंटरनेट पर यहाँ की तस्वीरों ने हमारा दिल मोह लिया था| पर शायद हम गलत समय पर पहुंचे थे| हालांकि जगह ने हमें निराश नहीं किया और हमने चाय नाश्ते का अच्छा आनंद उठाया, लेकिन वो जगह शायद सिर्फ आने वाले कुछ पलों की एक झांकी भर ही थी| बौर्डर रोड्स के द्वारा दुर्गम स्थलों पर भी बनाई सड़कों पर हम अपनी मंजिल की और बढ़ चले| अगला पड़ाव था मधी| मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाली जगह है यह| तेज़ हवा मानो आपको अपने साथ चलने के लिए बुला रही हो| चारों और बर्फ का ताज पहने पहाड़ और नीचे कन्दराओं में दिखती सड़कें जिन पर सफर कर के आप वहाँ पहुँचते हैं|

अगली मंजिल थी रोहतांग| किताबों में पढ़ा , तस्वीरों में देखा और किंवदंतियों में सुना| हम वहीं खड़े थे| एक ऎसी सराबोर कर देने वाली अनुभूति जिसे समाहित करने में वक़्त लगता है परन्तु एक बार महसूस होने के बाद आप जिसे भुला नहीं सकते| १३५०० फुट की ऊंचाई पर जहाँ शायद सांस लेने में भी कठिनाई होती हो| हम ऐसी ही जगहपर खड़े थे| ऊपर से बर्फ मानो हमको निमंत्रण दे रही थी एक अलग ही अंदाज़ के खेल का, जहाँ सिर्फ जीत थी और किसी की हार नहीं| बिना कोई समय खोये हमने कुछ घोड़े कर लिए| मगर मैं और मेरी एक मित्र ने उस एहसास को अपने क़दमों से छूने का निर्णय भी किया था| तो ५ घोड़े जिनमे से दो पर कोई सवार नहीं थे चल पड़े बर्फ की ओर| और सच मानिए वह यात्रा अविस्मरणीय है| बर्फ तक पहुँचते पहुँचते भी आप इतने विस्मित हो चुके होते हैं कि शायद सिर्फ खुदा को इतनी हसीन धरती के लिए शुक्रिया कहने के अलावा आपके पास कोई शब्द नहीं बचते| एक बार बर्फ पर पहुँचने के बाद आप बस ऊपर जाने के तमन्ना रखते हैं| और ऊपर| और ऊपर| जब तक आपकी या तो साँस न फूल जाये या वक़्त की सीमायें आपको न बाँध दें (क्योंकि कीलोंग तक भी समय रहते पहुंचना है)| बस इन ही अनुभूतियों के साथ हम वहाँ बर्फ के साथ अठखेलियाँ करते रहे| और महसूस करते रहे शायद विश्व की ऊंचाई को| इस से ज्यादा मेरे पास शायद शब्द नहीं हैं और तस्वीरें ज़्यादा बयान कर सकती हैं| तदोपरान्त, थके मगर एक सुखद, अनंत एहसास के साथ हम चल पड़े अगले पड़ाव की ओर|

रोहतांग से कीलोंग का रास्ता बेहद खूबसूरत है| तब और भी जब आप जानते हों कि सड़क पर आपकी गाड़ी अकेली नहीं लेकिन गिनती की गाड़ियों मैं से तो एक ज़रूर है (रोहतांग पास नवम्बर मैं बंद हो जाता है)| चंद्रा नदी के किनारे कभी ऊपर चढ़ते तो कभी नीचे उतरते, साँस रोक देने वाली घाटियों के बीच जब सूरज का आखरी सलाम पहाड़ों की चोटी पर छटा बिखेरता है तो आप वाह के अलावा शायद कुछ कहने की स्थिति में नहीं रह जाते हैं| आपस में बात करने हेतु शब्दों को कम पा कर आप बस शांत चले जाते हैं नदी के शोर में कुछ सुनने की कोशिश करते हुए|

अंततः हम पहुंचे चंद्रभागा होटल, जहाँ हमारे लिए ही नहीं परन्तु वहाँ मौजूद सज्जन के लिए भी यह आश्चर्य का विषय था कि हमने बुकिंग कैसे की| उनके कार्यकाल में यह पहला मौका था और हमारे लिए और भी विस्मयकारी यह तथ्य कि उस होटल में सिर्फ हम ही थे ! बेहद मददगार यह सज्जन फिर हमारे लिए बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट भोजन की व्यवस्था करी और हमारे रहने को भी सर्वद्रिष्टि से आरामदायक बनाया| एक अविस्मरणीय रात के बाद सुबह हम कीलोंग भ्रमण के लिए निकले हैं| वहाँ की चट्टानों की कशिश को नज़रंदाज़ करना आपके बस में नहीं, तो आप बस फिर पहाड़ों पर अपने नौसिखिये अंदाज़ मैं चढ़ाई कर देना चाहेंगे| और समेट ले जायेंगे कुछ यादों का एक पुलिंदा|

फिर शुरू हुई हमारी मनाली की वापसी यात्रा| फिर एक बार रोहतांग पर हाल्ट लेकिन इस बार झील के किनारे जहाँका तापमान इतना कम कि कपड़ों की कई तहों के बीच भी आपकी कंपकंपी छूट जाये| अभूतपूर्व नज़ारे जहाँ से आपका हिलने का मन न करे| कुछ देर में निकलने के बाद आप फिर मढ़ी में रूक कर खाना खा सकते हैं| अत्यंत स्वादिष्ट भोजन बेहद वाजिब दामों पर| और यहीं एक ऐसा नज़ारा जो मेरे लिए इस यात्रा के सबसे सुखद क्षणों में से एक है| बादलों के बीच से मानो कोइ टोर्च ले कर ऊपर से झाँक रहा हो| गोया कोई इस धरती की खूबसूरती को निहारना चाहता हो|

मनाली तक पहुँचते पहुँचते आपको यह ख्याल सताने लगता है की अगले दिन आपको लौट जाना है| फिर भी रात का वो मंज़र, जिसके आप अभी आदि हो चुके हैं, जहाँ आसमान में तारे इतने साफ दिखते हैं, आपको छू लेटा है| वही तारे जो शायद शहरों की धुल धुएं में लिपटी हवा की चादर के पीछे कहीं खो जाते हैं| तारे जिन्हें आप तोड़ लेना चाहे शायद| और इस बार आप जॉन्सन बार में खा सकते हैं| वाजिब दामों पर मदिरा और आप के पसंद का संगीत (और भी अच्छा अगर आपके पास खुद का आई-पोड हो तो)| नाचते गाते वापस आ कर आख़िरी रात आग पर एक बार फिर आलू पका कर खाना| कौन वापस आना चाहेगा|

अंतिम दिन : आख़िरी दिन आप बीते कुछ दिनों के पल समेट लेना चाहते हैं| यूं घूम फिर कर| कुछ सोचते| अनमने से| वापस जाने को आतुर नहीं| किसी अदृश्य शक्ति से अनुनय विनय करते की हमें यहीं रख ले| वन विहार की एक सैर जहाँ आखरी कुछ चित्र खींच सके| और फिर अंतिम विदाई दे कर एक अत्यंत सुखद यात्रा को, वापस शहरों की ओर|
ऐसे समाप्त होती है हमारी मनाली यात्रा| और जी हाँ उसी दिन तेंदुलकर फिर ९९ पर आउट हो जाते हैं|

Some Logistic Highlights :
Cost of stay at HPTDC log huts in Manali: Rs 4500 per day (can accomodate 6 people easily)
Cost of cab to Keylong : Rs 3500 (may vary in season)
Cost of stay at HPTDC hotel Chandrabhaga at Keylong: Rs 450
Cost of paragliding at Solang : Rs 1500
Delhi-Manali Volvo bus ticket cost : Rs 800-850
Cost of horses at Rohtang : Approx| Rs 300
Recommended places to eat : Johnson's Cafe/Bar/Restaurant, Khyber and at Madhi while on way to Rohtang
Points to be noted : Most eating places don't accept card in Manali| And the only ATM working around Mall road is SBI| So in case you wish to avoid transaction charges, do keep sufficient cash|

हिमाचल भाग - २

दूसरा दिन: लम्बी रात के बाद अपनी अपनी सुविधानुसार उठ कर हम लोगों ने सोलंग जाने का निश्चय किया| सोलंग की ओर जाते समय जब हम वादियों का आनंद ले रहे थे अचानक हमारी मित्र को ज्ञात हुआ कि उसकी अंगूठी गायब है| इसी उधेड़्बून्द में हम लोगों को उसे ढूँढने वापस लौटना पड़ा| और इसे किस्मत कहिये या कुछ और पर अंगूठी घास में पड़ी मिल ही गयी| और हम सब वापस चेहरे पर मुस्कराहट लिए वादियों का और भी आनंद लेते हुए फिर सोलंग की ओर चल दिए| पहाड़ों से घिरी इस बेहद खूबसूरत वादी में आप पैरा ग्लाइडिन्ग का मज़ा ले सकते हैं| और एक दुसरे से पूछने की ज़रूरत तो थी नहीं और पल भर में हम लोग पहाड़ पर करने लगे, ऊंचे स्थान से शुरुआत करने को| थोड़ी ही देर में हमे ज्ञात हुआ के पहाड़ कितना ऊंचा है और लोग क्यों वहाँ घोड़े पर जाते हैं| परन्तु हमने दृढ निश्चय कर ही लिया था और चढाई का आनंद भी अलग ही था| तो बस हांफते हुए ही सही लेकिन हम वहँ तक अपने पैरों पर पहुंच ही गए| और सारा पसीना उस नजारे के लिए शायद नाकाफी था| हवा की दिशा परिवर्तित होने से पहले ही हमे ग्लाइडिन्ग प्रारंभ करनी थी और एक बाद एक, बस हम लोग आसमान की गोद में थे| कानों के बगल से सर सर निकलती हवा और आंखों के सामने निशब्द कर देने वाले नजारे| कुछ ही मिनिटों में आप ऐसे आनंद का अनुभव करते हैं जो शायद बतलाया नहीं जा सकता| ग्लाइडिन्ग के बाद आस पास कुछ शांत सडकों पर सैर करने का लुत्फ़ भी उठाते बनता है| पीली पत्तियों से अटी सड़कें और दूर पहाड़ों की चोटियों पर बर्फ, जो गोधूली की बेला में गुलाबी दिखती है, मानो कोई चित्रकार अपनी पेंटिंग से आपका दिल जीतना चाहता हो| इसी नज़ारे का लुत्फ़ उठाते हुए हम लौट पड़े| ज्यादा शब्दों की ज़रूरत नहीं थी और हम सब जानते थे उस सुकून का एहसास जो वहाँ हम छोड़ जा रहे थे| रात को फिर आग के अलाव पर हाथ सेकते हुए इस बार हम में से एक ने सुझाव दिया आलू और प्याज को आग पर "पका" कर खाने का| बस फिर क्या था एक हैन्गर को तोड़ मरोड़ कर सीधा किया गया और उस पर आलू चढा कर आग में सेंकने के लिए रख दिया गया था| और आप माने या न माने बेहद स्वादिष्ट लगता है यह| बस यूं ही खाते पीते हमने दूसरे दिन का अंत किया|

हिमाचल भाग १

कुछ खास पलों के लिए आप कभी कभी प्रयास करते हैं कुछ खास करने का | इसलिए यह मेरा प्रयत्न है मेरी मनाली यात्रा को हिन्दी में बयान करने का | एक ऐसी यात्रा जो कुछ खास लोगों की वजह से और भी अनमोल हो गयी | वह जानते हैं कि वो कौन हैं |

अमीर खुसरो ने कश्मीर में क्या देख कर उसे धरती का स्वर्ग कहा, यह पूर्णतया तो मुझे नहीं पता, परन्तु पहाड़ों का उस मत में अवश्य ही योगदान रहा होगा | और आप मेरे पहाड़ों के प्रेम की तुलना शमा के लिए परवाने के प्रेम से भी करें तो शायद अतिशयोक्ति नहीं होगी | खैर यह ना तो मेरी प्रेम कहानी का वर्णन है और ना ही किसी बौलीवुड मूवी की पटकथा | यह वृत्तांत है दोस्तों के साथ मेरी हिमाचल की एक हसीन यात्रा का | एक ऐसी यात्रा जिसमें वहाँ के अद्भुत सौंदर्य ने हमें ना सिर्फ मंत्रमुग्ध किया बल्कि निशब्द भी कर दिया |

हमारी यात्रा शुरू हुई दिल्ली में हिमाचल भवन से, जहाँ हिमाचल पथ परिवहन की बस प्रारंभ होती है | हालांकि हमें बताया गया था कि यह यात्रा १४ घंटे की है परन्तु वह १६ घंटे के साबित हुई | मगर कुल मिला कर यात्रा आरामदायक ही थी (अगर आप २.५ घंटे की उस पीड़ा को भुला दें जो एक "ढोल" नामक चलचित्र ने हमें पहुँचाई)| बीच में दो छोटे पड़ाव थे | पहला चंडीगढ़ के पास, जहाँ बस से बाहर कदम रखते ही हमें उस मीठी ठंड का एहसास हुआ जिसके लिए आप मुम्बई में तरस जायेंगे | एक हल्की बयार आपको भीतर तक स्पर्श करती हुई मानो आपको दुलार रही हो, एक सखी की तरह | दूसरा पड़ाव था सुबह सुबह पहाड़ों के नजदीक कुल्लू से थोड़ा पहले, जहाँ ढाबे की गरम चाय और स्वच्छ, साफ, ठंडी हवा का मिश्रण आपको सम्पूर्ण ताजगी का अनुभव देता है | एक तरफ यह अनुभव जहाँ आपको प्रसन्न कर देगा, वहीं आप आतुर भी हो जायेंगे, जल्द से जल्द अपनी मंज़िल तक पहुँचने को | जहाँ आपको आशा है, और भी आनंद की | हमारे लिए यह मंज़िल थी हिमाचल पर्यटन के "लॉग हट्स" | पुराने अनुभवों के आधार पर हमें आशा थी कि राज्य पर्यटन विभाग के होटल इत्यादी अच्छी जगह पर ही बने होंगे | और हमारी आशानुसार ही यह लॉग हट्स बेहद खूबसूरत जगह पर स्थित हैं | जहाँ आप जिस तरफ भी नज़र घुमायेँगे आपको सुन्दरता के विभिन्न आयामों का प्रदर्शन दिखाई देगा | वो चाहे पहाड़ों की चोटी पर सफ़ेद बर्फ की चादर हो या चिनार के लंबे पेड़ | खिले फूलों का नाच या लौग हट की दीवारों पर लिपटी बेलें, जिन पर पीली पत्तियां कोलाज के तरह चिपकी हों |

पहले दिन हमने आराम से प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य को मद्धम मद्धम समाहित करने का निश्चय किया | और एक जगह भर-पेट भोजन कर पहले-पहल पास ही में स्थित हिडिम्बा देवी के मंदिर की ओर चल दिए | बेहद खूबसूरत पेड़ों के झुरमुट में बने इस मंदिर में दर्शन के बाद आस पास के शांत वातावरण में कुछ चहलकदमी करते रहे | कभी हवा में लहराती कुछ आवाज़ों के बीच झूलों पर बच्चे बन कर, तो कभी भिन्न भिन्न दर्शनीय जगहों पर तस्वीरें खिंचवा कर | तदोपरान्त थोड़ा नीचे नदी किनारे जा कर हमने आराम किया और फिर शाम की तैयारी के लिए दो गुटों में बंट गए | शाम को स्टाफ की मदद से आग लगा कर उसके चारों और बैठ मदिरा की गर्माहट को भी महसूस किया | हल्की हल्की मदहोशी में मदमस्त हो कर मुम्बई के दौड़ भाग से दूर आप एक खुमारी में खो जाने के बाद एक अलग ही आनंद की अनुभूति करते हैं | इस तरह हमने रात का अंत किया |

Monday, November 12, 2007

दोज़ख में वापस

Am back to the ghettos of Mumbai. Still reeling under the thermal shock of having come from 3-4 degrees to 20 degrees and now to sultry 30 degrees.

FYI: It took me more time to reach home from Mumbai airport than it took me from home in Jaipur to landing in Mumbai.

So while I dwell over and rue over the fact that i've come back to hell wait for the post on journey to 7th cloud with some beautiful people ...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

प्रभु की खोज

यूं ही एक दिन निकला मैं अनजान सा,
खोज में मेरे भगवान की,

काशी के तट पर मिले शम्भुनाथ जी,
देख कर आवरण उनका,
बंधी कुछ उम्मीद सी,
पर हम निकले ऐसे ही नाकारा,
पूरी न कर पाए छोटी सी,
पांच सौ एक की उनकी फ़ीस भी |

किया फिर हमने रुख काबा का,
पर यहाँ भी हताशा आई हाथ,
अल्लाह इश्वर के फर्क का ,
दे न पाए हम कोई जवाब |
गए थे हम एक मजार में,
बाहर आये बिना मालो असबाब|

ऐसी हे उधेड़्बून्द में फिर,
कदम बढ़े येशु के दरबार,
पर वहाँ भी फिर पूछा गया,
कौन हूँ मैं काफिर,
प्रोटेस्टेंट के कैथोलिक मेरा सरमाया,
अनपढ़ गंवार मैं फिर भाग आया|

घिरे इन सवालों से खुद की पहचान के
अचानक मिली फिर चारों ओर भीड़,
कोई आवाज़ कहती आओ छेड़ो जेहाद,
हम देंगे तुम्हारे हर सवाल का जवाब |
कोई कहता मारो तुम दो गद्दार राम सेतु के नाम,
हम देंगे तुम्हे असली पहचान|
कोई कहता बाक़ी सब हैं बस बदनाम,
एक मेरे ही प्रभु को दो सम्मान|
कहीं से फिर चली तलवार, सामने दरबार,
खून के धार के बीच चीत्कार |

इतना काफी था दोस्तों मेरे घर लौटने को,
छोड़ उस भगवान को जो बाहर बिक चुका था,
खो चुकी थी कबीर के वाणी,
शायद रहीम भी हंस रहे थे,
काबा हो या काशी,
इस हम्माम में सब नंगे थे |
मेरे राम बस मेरे साथ थे,
न किस सेतु न किसी मस्जिद के मोहताज थे,
मैं खुश हूँ अपनी नासमझी पर,
कम से कम ज़िंदगी तो मेरे साथ है|

यह प्रयास मेरा, समर्पित है उन सभी सम्मान्नीय प्रबुद्ध लोगों को जिन्होंने कभी न कभी मुझे समझाने की कोशिश की के प्रभु कौन हैं और अल्लाह कौन | जिन्होंने कभी मंदिर के नाम तो कभी जेहाद के नाम शायद ज़िंदगी को कम आँका है और जिनके लिए सड़क पर दो वक़्त की रोटी को जूझते लोगों से ज्यादा ज़रूरी आलीशान इमारतों बैठे बुत या कुछ पन्ने हैं | ऐसे सभी लोगों का मैं मुजरिम हूँ और क्षमाप्रार्थी भी जो मैं उनके जैसा न हो सका |

Am back ...

Its been a long hiatus from my ground of expression. A lot has happened over the past couple of months. For good I’m sure and the life’s seldom been better. And the contrarian is back and for good.

What better place to come back in this field of expression than the airport lounge where some of my better posts have originated. Its been a long drive to the airport thanks to Mumbai traffic and as icing on the cake I meet/see/encounter these two gentle(men?). Both at the counter of Café Coffee Day.

The first encounter : I’m trying to buy some grub for myself in the limited cash that I have left with me (it’s the month end remember!!). Suddenly this feminine voice rings into my ears “Excuse me have we met?” I turn around and end up facing a guy to my surprise ! Obviously the fact that it’s the first time I’m seeing this person I retort “No. I don’t think so.” And the rest of the conversation goes like this

Guy: “Syndhem”

Me: “No”

Guy: “Aditya Birla Group”

Me: “No. I’m with Reliance Retail”

Guy: “So you with the garments biz. Sit at Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City.”

Me: “No”

Guy: “Vile Parle”

Me: “Sir, with due apologies, I’ve had a long day. Would you please excuse me.”

The second encounter was a passive one with yours truly just watching this young fellow with a very feminine walk. The person walks up to the CCD counter and asks in detail about each flavour of the coffee. Then selects a couple of items. “Bill amount Rs 101 Sir” says the guy at the cash counter. “No. I’ll not give 1 Re. I will not. Oh but I have Rs 2. I’ll give Rs 2.” “Where is the rest room?” “Would you please keep this for me while I come back from the rest room.” Then with the advent of a few of the fair skin people around, the person comes up with the statement that “Who are these fairs?”. That does it. Time to change my place and so I make a quite exit without listening to more of those stupid statements.

But it sets me about thinking. Oscar Wilde said “The mystery lies in the visible and not the invisible.” Each time a meet an interesting person (for whatever reasons that may make him interesting), it just reaffirms my belief in what he said. Each person or the person next to you itself presents himself/herself as a mystery. While we may keep running to look around that doesn’t meet the eye, the real challenge may lie right in front of our eyes and we may be truly oblivious of it. To go back to the people I met, what would it have been to try to know what exactly was his motive rather than arriving at pre-conceived conclusions. Or what would it be to see from the perspective of the second person and see if it was merely to seek attention that he was saying what he did?

Well what’s the point of this post? Maybe nothing. Just to tell myself again that each day there is something to learn. Each person is a mystery to be unraveled. And each moment a new discovery.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Logically yours

My first logical question on logic to myself. "Should I be applying logic here?" Period.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Drive by Marine Drive

The clouds are shining .....

And the lights are blinding ...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

नयी सड़क

ज़िंदगी के चौराहों पर,
यूं ट्रैफिक लाईट नहीं होती
होता है तो सिर्फ, हर दिशा को दर्शाता एक तीर
हम में से कुछ,
यूं ही खड़े रह जाते हैं,
तो कुछ एक तीर के सीध मॆं निकल जाते हैं
और कुछ उस रेत पर चल पड़ते हैं,
जहाँ कोई निशान नहीं होते
और फिर उन पदचिन्हों पर बनती है,
एक और नयी सड़क

यह वादा है मेरा

यह वादा है मेरा,
उन हसीन पलों से,

कुछ जो फुर्सत में बीते,
किसी के साथ की खुशबू में भीगे,
ख़ुशी के रस से सराबोर,
भँवरे की तरह जिन्हे जिया मैंने

कुछ जो धीमे गुज़रे,
कंधे पर कुछ सामान लिए,
कुछ भारी ज़ख्मों का,
अनकही खामोशियों का

कुछ जो तेज़ गुज़रे,
क्षणभंगुर सफलताओं को चूमते,
सभी को जो पीछे छोड़ गए,
कुछ हाथ जो हाथ से छूट गए

कुछ जो थम से गए,
स्तब्ध से, अनमने,
मानो एक दीवार घड़ी पर,
सुई का कांटा रुका हो

और कुछ जो जी गए,
याद रहने को पर्यंत,
किसी हंसी में,
कुछ सच हुये सपनो में

यह वादा है मेरा,
कि उनकी छाप सिमटी रहेगी,
स्मृतियों मॆं,
जिन्दगी की पाठशाला के,
हर पाठ को मैं जिंदा रखूंगा

यह वादा है मेरा,
उन हसीन पलों से...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chak De India !

No this post is not about Sagarika Ghatge (aka Priti Sabharwal) nor is it about the wonders that the movie might do to Indian Women's Hockey. My views are about the movie per se and more importantly the reactions of the audience that I observed while watching the movie (three times for that matter). These moments which triggered some questions in my mind.

The instances that evoked strong reaction :

Instance one: Top of the moments is when India's flag is being unfurled and SRK says "Pehli baar kisi gore ko India ka jhanda fahraate huye dekh raha hoon". The theatre gets filled with claps and whistles. And it made me ask if the shadows of British Rule still lurk in our sub-consciousness. We still feel liberated by mere mentions of some such acts which may seem trivial to a logical mind but not to the millions of emotional Indian hearts. A cynical may ask if there is any significance in such a reaction while a nationalist may find more than just significance in it. I don't know if its counter mechanism or just a blip on the radar. It just rattles me in the sense that why is it that only when a light skinned man does things that we like, do we recognise our own sense of pride. Just a question ...

Instance two: Priti Sabharwal towards the end strikes that soft and yet emphatic note to Komal Chautala about proving to the proverbial "launda". Rooted by women and men alike, it put me starkly in front of a question that I personally feel strongly about. Why do women still have to "prove" it, that too to men. Though the movie does get the message through, I would be interested to see what would have been the reaction if she had dumped the guy before going into the world cup itself. I mean why do women have to prove it at all? Why can't they just believe in themselves? I know I may invite the ire of some people on this. But that's the view I hold. If at all they need to prove it, it has to be to themselves. I agree the environment we have around us, from the workplace to the sports field is no where conducive. But to give importance enough by allowing them to "give" you the credit, instead of appreciating it as given amounts to playing into their psyche itself. May sound convoluted but does hold some merit? Or doesn't it? Think.

Instance three: When the ladies walk into the dinner in Saris. Pan audience a whiff of wows. Well hats off to the director for having thought over it. Does score a point and how! But it reminded me of a note that Shashi Tharoor had written on the issue of Saris (I think it was in Times of India) and how the garment has slowly gradually been reduced/shrinked to a special occasion symbol. Working women may lynch me for the point and I do agree that perhaps it may not exactly be comfortable always, but I do feel that it has been neglected under the garb of such arguments a bit as well. I mean, how many work profiles do actually necessiate western formals esp western formals? Some may argue that salwar is also Indian garment, to them I'll just rest my case by the argument that nothing beats sari when it comes to bringing the truely feminine beauty of Indian women.

And the moments which just passed by without any reaction or an absurd one in my mind..

Vidya Sharma saying "Is paar ya us paar" in the initial moments of the movie... The players from North-East asking the pertinent question of being called guests in their own country. ..The laughter evoked by the players of Jharkhand.

All said and done its just a reminder to myself and an attempt to understand people around me. To give it the due credit, the movie helps me do that. Its a very well made movie with taut screenplay and some real good performances. One special scene that I would really commend SRK for is the last one where he shows a restrained response to the win. Against his natural demeanour its a brilliant display. And for all the stupid questions I may ask, if the movie does good to sports like Hockey, who gives a damn to these questions.

P.S: on second thoughts, any mention of the movie without Sagarika does sound incomplete, doesn't it? Well man, she IS awesome :)

Firsts ...

Sometimes unfortunate things remind us of the memories that get buried under the layers but when sifted through they fill up with a mix bag of emotions. A very close friend met with an accident and her car got damaged. Her anguish over it (being her family's first car which would have seen almost 20 years now) brought to me the memories of my first's that I no more have with me. My first cycle. My dad's cycle that I used to go to the school. My Dad's first scooter that I used to learn. My own first scooter. My first bike. My first books and my first few pens. Its actually interesting how memories keep flashing up of these little things and remind us of the times. The good and the bad. The smiles and the tears. Well to cut it short, this is to the memories. For all the learnings and all the smiles they bring.

The Good ..The Bad ..The Ugly

The Good ...

The Bad ...

The Ugly ...

And that's when the first thing you have to do is shell out 5 bucks per head as "Pollution Tax". Can we have a dust bin at least please.

Dedicated to Lonavala Municipal Corporation and to the holidaying crowd of this country.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Left ain't Right

For a change media has a new topic of some substance to write home about. Though in my opinion its as old as the existence of so called "Communist movement" in India. Current context is the debate between Left and the government over the 123 pact on Nuclear collaboration between India and US. Whether its an ego issue between the two or a regular tussle, that only time will decide, but for now, to me it presents a classic example of identity crisis that the Left movement faces in this country.

Communist leadership seems to have run out of ideas to hold onto their much vaulted image (amongst the "bhadra lok") and only the fear of losing their relevance can cause such absurd reactions. I mean consider this : The same set of people who left no stone unturned in criticising the then Vajpayee government for conducting the nuclear tests now talks about the souvereignty of the nation for carrying our own nuclear program.

Its a long time since Naxalbadi movement became the face of Communist movement. Yet the left leadership continues to live in a sort of cocoon of the ideals that socialism looks for. Having been born and brought up by a communist father I had the opportunity of being exposed to their ideas. Though the ideas may sound altruistic with the basic ethos of parity being a well thought of concept, India as a nation poses different challenges. If I have to list a few of them, top most in them would be its Diversity, Population, Religion and Distribution of resources/Poverty apart from others. So in this context, to believe that any socialistic idea can be replicated within Indian fabric would amount to either fooling yourself or assuming others to be.

Lets face it, over the last 60 years of independence we may have remained a vibrant democracy but we have also further deteriorated into "groups" / "herds" marked by the lines of religion or caste or region. The fact that the natural resources in the sub-continent are inequitably spread has further deepened this divide. The rest whatever remained has been paralysed by utterly dismaying political leadership that WE chose for ourselves. The result is a conglomerate of interest groups who would first drive their own interest and then if space be that of the nation. If I have to count the number of causes that these interest groups would come together for would either be arising out of Extreme (misplaced/euphoric) nationalism against Pakistan or a tendency to forget life in dreams (like in Bollywood) or a desire to look for so hard to find "role models" like in Cricket. All this the fact that what we are looking as a world order, is strongly determined by the economic strength.

In this context what does the Left do? They create a pseudo intellectual realm where truth becomes its own victim by alienating a majority - posing/distorting its own face in the hands of the right. They become the self righteous guardians of the conscience of this country. The so called protectors of minority rights (thus creating further tensions). In the garb of moving towards classless society they hasten the process of fractured caste based politics. Last but not the least, when you know that market economy is here to stay you follow contradictory strategies at centre and states.

At this point let me make it clear that I'm not questioning there intentions. Its there means that I beg to differ with and there utter inability to consider the peculiarities of this nation. Its not a Russia that can see a disruptive action through the efforts of some Lenin. Its not a China which will allow itself to be ruled by someone like Mao without questions.

Religion is a fact in India. Caste has become another reality thanks to emergence of likes of Mayawati, Lau and Mulayam. Regionalism is going to get aggravated with some states moving ahead faster than others and Naidu, Jayalalitha, Karunanidhi exploiting it to hilt. So the need is to find a factor that can make people think alike and think right. The only possible candidate for that would be Economics. Poverty is a common thread that can bind people. The challenge is to use correct means to weave this fabric. Correct means would be education and health. Preservation of our identity would automatically happen. The questions of souvereignty would fall in place by themselves.

Till then please don't rake up trivial issues and stop fooling yourself and this nation. Come out of it and face the reality. The world has changed and so should we. Instead of giving this nation political instability, be sane enough to present before it the right issues and problems that people willingly challenge and resolve. Rather than making it Left Vs Right make it an inertia Vs development fight. Unless the nation develops, all these stupid debates will continue. When History judges, you will be far behind in some corner as bunch of people who could never come out of the warp of idiosyncratic utopian idealism and who failed to make any constructive contribution to the nation.

Random ...

Finally I get some time to write and update the blog. Its been a hectic period with more chaos to come forth. Was lucky enough to be in Lucknow the past week and unlucky enough for not being able to spend much time on campus. But there were periods there that left me with a flurry of thoughts some time.

Stage 1 : Distribution centre of my company - Classic example of "Lakhnawi Andaaz aka Nawaabi Andaaz". Let everything be served on a platter and we'll enjoy it. I wonder if that's not a pan India phenomenon also. Maybe its even inherent in Indians to find the shortest and easiest possible way to not just do the work but even pass it on to someone else as well. I wonder what is it that prevents people from learning or rather even inculcating the desire to learn. Where and at what stage in one's life does one plateau? Be it professional aspect or personal, isn't it that we can always strive to learn? Do we just tire out or do we just give up? Is cynicism inevitable or is it the shadow of much fabled "Tolerance" of Indians - the famous "chalta hai attitude". I don't know myself for I can't imagine myself stagnated. It frustrates me no end to find that I'm not learning. But the more I look for answers around, I see just plain inertia. Be it out of sheer lack of strength or a desire to just be in a cocoon of comfort zone. That's the way we are and that's the way we would be. Is that all that we have to honour ourselves with in the 60th Year of independence?

Stage 2 : IIM-L campus - I met my fellow (junior) PRiSMites. PRiSM has always been close to my heart simply for the friends it gave me and the opportunity it gave me to learn so much. One of the most integral aspects of my campus life at L. But this time campus wore a worn look. As if the buildings were breathing heavily and the absence of my friends made them wear a pale shade of yellow and dull brown. It just told me how an institution is not by its edifices but by the people who run it and form a part of it. Which is why I felt the sense of comfort with the Juniors. However their enthu about girls and girlfriends may have amused me or made me feel a little older the same aspects just made me feel younger and full of life. The campus was at lease reverberating with energy. I miss it. And for all I miss it for the people.

P.S : Latest Null hypothesis (to be proved though there is enough empirical evidence) : The number of people who flunk in a batch is directly co-related to the number of girls in the batch.

Stage 3 : Room in Clarks - Marvellous view. Peaceful. I have come back tired and yet I don't feel that need to crash early. But yes I do feel sleepy at the right time and I get up at the right time. The routine seems to fitting. Reminds me of the rush of Mumbai. And I shudder. Can't life be so peaceful like this everywhere? Reminds me of the song that fits Mumbai so well - seene mein jalan

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Nestling in beautiful surroundings is an ugly looking resort, which appears like a white blot on a green canvas. That’s about the only negative of a place called Igatpuri, on the Mumbai-Nashik highway (around 40 Kms before Nashik). Rest everything is blissful, peaceful and truly beautiful.

The four of us (the usual suspects) headed for this place on a beautiful Saturday morning with the added pleasure on my part of skipping the office. We had a long night behind us when we started (with all of us having enough to warm our blood and still wake up late into the night) early at around 7. Soon having left the muddle and puddles of Mumbai behind, we were onto the highway which was gradually giving way to beautiful sights on either side. Lush green under the dark shadows of the lingering clouds. The weather just seemed perfect. No rains and no sun beating down. As if the perfect stage had been set for the 4 squared of us.
While wondering about the weather, we reached the ghats and some awesome scenery was in store for us. Flanked by the railway tracks disappearing into tunnels sometimes and on others the mist kissing the roads to make it look like a hill station.

By 11 we had reached the resort and nature was at its brilliant best. So much so that despite the long night none of us wanted to rest and we just filled ourselves and hit the trek to the hills. The resort is surrounded on three sides by the hills which present a lot of opportunities to give the knees an exercise or two. After soaking in the beauty at a lesser height we decided to go further ahead. And without too many huffs and puffs with occasional hurdles due to the terrain we scaled one beautiful after another before coming to a rest on top of a small waterfall. There lay the beautiful scene of the hills truly hugging us while the valley seemed to call us to plunge. Far ahead lay the railway tracks on which the trains chugged along. Not many sounds and not deep silences either. We sometimes soaked it in silently while at other moments we shared the joy.
Soon the hunger pangs led us to start descending. The descent as expected was faster but at times tougher. And by the time we touched the base down, it started raining hard and we were drenched to the skin. I for once was reminded of my joyous moments in rain and I just couldn’t help soaking it in to the full.

Soon after lunch having got fresh naturally, we now headed back to the hills with our books. Under a gentle inviting tree we sat to spend some peaceful moments to ourselves. Away from the chores of office, from the calls of civilization and the nuisance of practical life as they call it. We talked to ourselves and within ourselves in the peaceful glory of nature. Yeah the occasional photo shoots were anyways thrown in.
After dark we came back tired to the resort and had a gala wine party (getting it into the resort itself was a story). And after a long session of fun talk, the alleviating flow of alcohol in the veins and the lactic acid in the muscles, we went off to a serene sleep. For me it was one of the deepest and most enjoyable ones.

Day two, we woke up to a good amount of sunshine with the clouds playing occasional hide n seek. Soon we were again in a mood to rest our backs on a tree if possible or in a calm solitary place. We spotted one such next to a “mazaar” which lay well hidden behind a normal eyesight. And what a place it was. Hidden away from too many eyes, perfect view of railway lines and the winding roads. Well I for one could actually relive my memories of climbing trees as well. And from the tree was visible a couple of distant lakes. Something that I saw from the tree my friends could see without doing that also but none the less the pretty sight lured us and begged us to be visited.

And what a beautiful place it was. Sparsely inhabited, by the lake side with only a few souls to spoil the serenity. Some trees scattered, as if they had been just dropped there. We were all truely mesmerised. The hills in the backdrop of the lake while the sun continued to hide behind the clouds made for some fantastic scenic snaps. We lived the moments in silence watching the ripples in the lake and letting the breeze flow through our hair.

It was time to start back but it was also time to look back at the time just gone by with some of the fondest memories which would always bring back smiles whenever we feel we don't have enough of them. That was the kind of place - Igatpuri.

P.S : For those who wish for a more lively account of this trip with more snaps would do well to visit here.

उत्तरों का सन्नाटा

भूख लगती थी तब भी मुझको,
जब दो वक़्त की रोटी से पेट भरता था,
भूख आज भी है मुझको,
जब घी के पराँठे और पनीर,
खा कर भी पेट खाली रहता है

प्यास तब भी थी मुझको,
जो घड़े के चुल्लू भर पानी से बुझती थी,
गला पर अब पर्यंत सूखा है मेरा,
जब जाम से जाम टकराते हैं,
मयखाने दर मयखाने भटकते

विचरता था स्वच्छंद तब भी मैं,
जब सपने अपने थे और आसमान भी अपना
उड़ता हूँ आज भी वहीं,
बस किसी हवाई जहाज़ की सीट
के बोर्डिंग पास पर नाम है मेरा

धुल जाता था तब चेहरा,
बारिश की चंद बूंदों मॆं,
आज भी मैला हो आता है,
कालिख मगर आज रह जाती है,
साबुन की परतों मॆं रगड़ते रगड़ते

जिन्दगी दौड़ती थी तब भी,
जब मैं भाग कर बस मॆं,
उसे पकड़ लेता था
आज वो भागती है डिवाइडर के उस तरफ,
और मैं बस उसे मौन देखता हूँ कार मॆं

आईने मॆं दिखती थी कभी एक छवि,
आज सिर्फ एक छाया है,
कौन हूँ मैं, किसका यहाँ घर है,
मोहपाशों की एक माया है,
प्रश्नों के इस जंगल मॆं, उत्तरों का सन्नाटा है

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


यह प्रयास है उन अनगिनत लोगों को समर्पित जो इस देश के उस विशाल जन-समूह के एक अंग हैं जिसे हम मिडिल क्लास के नाम से जानते हैं
यह कहानी है लल्लन प्रसाद की जो हमारे इस देश के किसी कोने में (कोई सा भी कोना हो सकता है क्योंकि कहानी शायद फिर भी वही रहेगी) जन्मे और इस जनसमुद्र में किसी बूँद की तरह खो गए

आये लल्लन बडे उल्लास में,
सारा गाँव दिए दमकाए,
जन्मे कृष्ण कन्हैया मानो,
मात-पिता हर्षाये
किलकारी कब हुई ख़त्म,
लल्लन लगे नाम बुदबुदाये ,
विद्यालय की ओर तब,
नन्हे कदम बढाए

पहुंचे कक्षा में,
फिसलती निक्कर पहन आये,
टीचर पूछी नाम जब,
होशियार लल्लन दिए बतलाये,
पूछी फिर जब वो,
"क्या बनोगे तुम लल्लन?"
लल्लन असमंजस में उलझाये
बूझ अबूझ का अंतर जाने ना,
अनुत्तर वो रह आये

पग लंबे हुये,
लल्लन पास होते आये,
टीचर फिर पूछी उनसे तब,
"बनोगे लल्लन?"
पहली बार वो मुस्काये,
बोले, पायलट हम बन जाये,
बोली टीचर उनको,
चलो हम तुम्हे पायलट बनाए,
खुली धुप में एक टांग पर,
उड़ते रहे लल्लन बौराए,
भूत उतरा एक ही दिन में,
पायलट से तौबा कर आए

हुई निक्कर छोटी जब,
लल्लन पैंट पहन कर घर आये,
पूछे चाचा जब उनसे,
क्या बनोगे लल्लन,
लल्लन फिर मुस्काये,
बोले, खिलाडी हम बन जाये,
दहाड़े चाचा गुर्रा कर,
कौन सा खेल जो तुमको भाये,
पढो लिखो बस तुम अब,
जो ना टांग तुम्हारी तोडी जाये

निखरे कुछ और रंग,
दुनिया भी आकर्षक लग आये,
पूछा तब दद्दु ने,
हमारा पोता क्या बन ना चाहे,
लल्लन हुये गम्भीर,
बोले, पेंटर हम बन जाएँ,
लगे दद्दु चिल्लाने,
कौन इसे यह पाठ पढाये,
इस से पहले के यह ब्रुश उठाएँ,
हरिद्वार हम हो आये

किशोरावस्था का प्रसंग ,
फिर कुछ प्रेयसियों के संग,
आंखो में मस्ती के रंग,
पूछी माताजी, क्या बनोगे लल्लन,
लल्लन दिए कॉलर झटकाये ,
बोले, हीरो हम बन जाये,
दिया चपत गाल पर माँ ने,
खबरदार जो भांड गिरी पर आये,
कान उमेठे फिर जो बस,
सारे फिल्मी रंग आंसू बन आये

पहुंचे कालेज में फिर लल्लन,
दिल बड़ा घबराए,
पहले दिन ही निकले घर से,
बाप दिए हड्काये,
रखना याद इतना बस,
होगा दरवाज़ा यह बंद,
फर्स्ट क्लास जो तुम ना लाए,
पढे लिखों के दुनिया में,
नम्बरों का आंकड़ा,
कभी कम ना आये

इसी उधेड़ बूँद में बीते दिन,
कभी डाक्टर तो कभी,
इंजीनियर वो बन ना पाए,
घिसी चप्पल, लटकाया झोला,
लीडरी भी वोह ना कर पाए
परिवार भी हुआ ट्रस्ट जब,
आयी ए एस ना वो बन पाए
मन माना ना माना,
पिताजी दिए शादी करवाये,
लगा जुगाड़ जब कहीँ से,
बाबू वो बन आए

जा रहे हैं देखिए,
किसी सड़क पर वो ले कर,
जूनिअर लल्लन को काँधे पर,
फिर कुछ आंखों के सपने,
कुलबुलाते जन्म ले रहे उधर
फिर एक लल्लन की ललक,
फिर एक लल्लन की कसक,
और दोनो ही का बस एक सफ़र,
किसी मोड पर खडे,
एक खामोश सवाल तक

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


आज फिर खिड़की बंद है,
हवा में एक ठहराव है,
रुके हुये से पलों में,
शायद जिन्दगी का एक और पड़ाव है,
भीतर उमस भरी गर्मी,
पलंग पर दो शरीरों का पसीना,
गीली चादरों में लिपटे,
कुछ सूखे से एहसास हैं,

चन्द दिनों पहले ही यूं मिले थे,
बारिशों की पदचाप में,
आज भी हैं बादल मगर,
बिन बूंदों के घिरी,
सिर्फ एक घटा है,
कल तक जो कलरव था,
दिलों के स्पंदन का,
आज बस अभूज खामोशी,
का अंतर्नाद है,

किस मोड से मुड़े थे हम,
कुछ पल जीने को,
स्वच्छंद ,
आज सड़क की जगह,
सिर्फ बियाबान है,

कहॉ भटके खबर नहीं,
क्यों खो गए जानते नहीं ,
हर सवाल पर होंठ,
लाजवाब हैं,
चूमा था सोच कर जिसे,जिन्दगी,
इन होंठों ने,
वोह तो आज भी तार तार है,
साजों का संगीत विलुप्त,
शब्दों की लड़ी भी बेतार है,

क्यों कर फिर भी बढते हैं,
क्यों किसी का इंतज़ार है,
पाने की है चाह अभी भी अमिट ,
देखते अभी भी हम किसी की राह हैं,
कोई खोले आ कर यह खिड़की,
शायद, अब भी कुछ,
ऐसे आसार हैं,
खिड़की है उत्श्रन्खाल,
हवा भी शायद बेताब है

Monday, July 9, 2007

Good bye Times of India

It just gets worse from bad. As it is my aversion to media is increasing, every now and then something just accelerates the process. Consider this :
1) Times of India : Carries photograph(s) of a young lady stabbed 20 times by a jilted lover. Full glaring photograph where the lady is bleeding profusely and wears that painful and bewildered look, staring into the camera, asking would you please see that I need help and not a flash of the flash in my eyes. Further shameful is the fact that the photo also shows a group of onlookers who are doing everything except for helping the lady and watching a tamasha. Fuck you guys. Fuck you for carrying the photos. And fuck all those spineless bastards who did nothing. And god help the mental faculties of the photographer.
2) Morning telecast of the news channels. Every channel would carry "how would your day be", particularly the Hindi channels.
3) Another one, this time IBN7 :
Headline one "Biwi kee zid"
Headline two "Yeh kaisi shaadi"
Headline three "Ek anokha rishta".

Thanks but no thanks.

Some of us may argue for the freedom of expression. I'd not argue on that front. As a soul who's not numb yet and would not prefer being dished out crap.

My only reaction to all this action is that its adieu to Times of India. Good bye to all Hindi news channels (particularly IndiaTV). It may not be the demise of responsible journalism yet (with the likes of Hindu and Express still doing their bit) but it still is a sorry reflection of the fact that news is saleable and it sells when it is the worst.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

चंद बूँदें ...

सूखी पलकों पर बारिश की चंद बूँदें,
थिरकती हुई चहरे पर गिर कर,
भिगोती हुई अंतर्मन तक,
समाती मिट्टी मॆं
मिट्टी की सौंधी खुशबू,
उद्वेलित करती,
रस भरती नशीले,
यह बारिश की चंद बूँदें
मैंने देखा है ज़िन्दगी को खिलते,
इन बूंदों मॆं,
कभी पानी मॆं कुलाचे भरते,
नन्हे पैरों मॆं,
तो कभी बरसाती के नीचे,
सिमटी हुई एक मुस्कुराहट मैं
अठखेली करती चूडियों मॆं,
तो कभी भीगे कपड़ों मॆं लजाती,
बालाओं के बालों मॆं
महसूस किया है मैंने,
उत्श्रन्खल मन के भावों को,
इस बारिश के उन बाणों मॆं,
एक तमन्ना फिर जीने के,
मद मदिरा के उन्मादों मॆं,
बहारों की फुहारों मॆं,
तो कभी जल के तांडव मॆं,
इस वेग को,महसूस कराती हैं,
आह्लादित करती,
यह चंद बूँदें,
मनमौजी, बारिश की यह, चंद बूँदें

Sunday, June 17, 2007

"News made Exciting"

Another visit to Chennai and another amusing hoarding. This time it reads "News Made Exciting" and to give you more details, the caption on the girl's t-shirt reads "FDI retail : Boom or Bust" .. If this is the way to make news exciting .. well .. I don't know if I wanna read Deccan Chronicle at all.

Incidentally, last time the same newspaper had another hoarding with similar beautiful looking lady giving an equally beautiful expression and the caption read "Courageous". I wish courage was that beautiful lol.

Technological Leap?

I wonder if a day will come when machines may generate humans but here on a lighter side is what my travel desk sends me .. "System Generated"

Monday, June 4, 2007

Now an "executive" dust bin ...

Don't ask me where it is but it is .. For those who may not be able to read the complete text .. It reads like this
Environment Friendly.
Practical & convenient design
for your home and office use.

I don't know about the convenience or practicality of design, but how I wish it could accomodate some "Executives"

Yummm ... Typical ..

In this new series of my little things wherein I try to capture a few funny moments that come across like a blip .. here is one more.. How about a restaurant name "Typical Vheg Kadhai" in Hindi.. here it is ..

यह मेरा इंडिया

Though the image is a bit hazy (taken from inside a car) its a Sony Wega box on a bicycle. Now I wonder if it actually has a Wega also in it but .. What if it does? Door to door delivery of TVs? Not a bad idea huh... to catch a line of their competitor.. Its not that hard to imagine ?

गोदान पर इनकम टैक्स

Look closely, the company that Premchand is in. "साईं बाबा की लीलाएँ" and "इनकम टैक्स कैसे बचाएँ " Need I say more about our apathy to Hindi Literature। For those who are wondering about the location। Its "Landmark" ॥ one of the most renowned book store chain. Reminds me of the beauty of "Universal Book Depot" in Lucknow ॥ I miss it.
P.S : Those wondering why this post is in English? The answer is .. Interpret

Friday, June 1, 2007

The first rains ..

Finally some respite from the Mumbai heat. And its raining. The sky was painted occasionally with vivid descriptors in form of lightening. Reminds me of my childhood when I used to chuckle at thunderclaps. When i'd stare out of the window and eagerly note the lag between the lightening and the thunder. Trying to predict rain to my mom by looking at the colour of the clouds. Or wonder how close the cloud is by the decibel level of the thunder and how quickly it came. And then dance in the rain to feel the heat wilt and the dust settle and the soul melt. And then one day I wrote ...

मत कोसो बारिश की बूंदों को,
आंसू छुपाने का अच्छा बहाना हैं,
कल की किसको खबर,
आज सावन की रौ में बह जाना है

Burden of being from an IIM

Indian Institute of Management : The buzz wword that can put people on alert, make eyes dreamy and raise a few eye brows. Many a dreams in this country, for a "successful" life begin with this word or climax at it. However what I write today is not what we all know but what, having gone through it, I feel about it. The immediate trigger of this train of thought is a bit personal sad experience but none the less I've dwelled over it for quite some time and experienced it on more than one occasions. I call it, as the title of this post suggests, the burden of being from an IIM.

How and why? Consider this - A fresh graduate from IIM enters a renowned organization with dreams and castles of making an impact. So how many and what kind of reactions does he bear? A few samples:
Person one (Age > 50) : "Oh so you are from IIM. Wonderful my kid is also aspiring for it. But he doesn't study. Why don't you guide him?"
Person two (Age - 35-40) : "OK. So you are from IIM. great. Welcome" The rest of it that remains unsaid and you see it through the eyes could be either "Ok. You snob. I'll show you what it is to be here" or "Ok. Here comes another one hee hee. Let me rub my hands a bit. Welcome to the slaughter" or "Hmm.. Another one. He'll surely rise faster than me and screw my next appraisal" etc etc
Person three (Age - Late 20s) : "Hi. Welcome hope you are able to prove yourself. Challenge."
Person four (He's himself from an IIM) : "Hey fucker. So what's up at the college." The unsaid part is, look at these youngsters, must have come at a salary higher than me. Whatever happened to batch parity."

Beyond this the usual team insecurities, the HR incompetencies, organizational practices have the capability to make it a nightmare. I am not contesting the fact that on this professional front things should be rosy. A person from IIM would usually take this on as a challenge. But why single him/her out? Why that need to ask him to prove an extra mindless point? Or is it his/her fault to earn more than his/her peers not from that background?

Alas, we all live in a rat race so maybe that's the reason.

But apart from this professional amusement what bothers me more as a person is the social aspect of it. Other day a friend of mine put it like this "IIM guys hang around in their own groups. They are supposed to have their own culture with its own values and attributes and behave accordingly. They are expected to be more intelligent and sophisticated blah blah blah". A few questions on this to this society that we live in.
What is this culture that you talk about? What are those attributes? Did we ask you to put us on a pedestal? Why should this culture be obliged to satisfy your expectations? Why should an individual be expected to live up to your expectations? Why the hell does an IIM come first before the person? Any answers? I doubt. People just love to eulogize to either excuse their own fears and incompetencies or they are just looking for a scapegoat to laugh at and prove some point.

I agree, they are respectable institutions. I know coz I've experienced what all they give to an individual. The qualities, the positives and the negatives. But trust me each one of our tribe (as people put it) would still prefer to be that self first than a mere IIM product. Why can't we be considered normal and be respected for what we are than what our tag is? There are n number of people who could be more competent and yet not get the recognition. So don't burden us by giving us recognition first and then either justify the act or pull down the individual so hard so that you can have a hearty laugh. Be just. Be fair. Be normal. Both for your own sake and for our sake.

I see HOPE

In continuation to my previous post I'm happy to note that I found hope. I didn't have to go too far off, I found it right within our country.
Consider this :
1) Shiv Sena asked restaurant chain Bombay Blue to rename themselves Mumbai Blue.
2) Moral police went ahead in their charge and ransacked an art students work in Baroda.
3) Violence in Punjab and Haryana over a sect leader wearing a dress like Guru Nanak
4) CPI(M) wants retailers to be controlled by license.
5) 15 people were killed in police firing in Jaipur while protesting to ask for reservation.
6) The BMW hit and run accused's counsel is caught on tape trying to strike a deal with the witness.

For those self-righteous intellectuals who might be reading this with a frown on their face (including me ha ha) by now or searching for hope in above examples, relax. I can prove it how all of the above can help our nation.

One it can help solve the unemployment problem. All those who have nothing to do can join in acts like that of Shiv Sena and get paid by the smart bums like them. Two, the efforts against the freedom of expression can ease out the tensions by reinstating the faith, in long living rigid traditions, which ascribe to the artists as enigma for society and hence, the children of tomorrow may not dream of being one.

Three, the violence will keep the rusting ammunition of police well oiled, saving the maintenance cost while the health sector can also see blips. License raj off course we all know, how it helps filling so many pockets. The media will save the costs of "creating" news while getting enough sound bites to fill up their prime times. And if that is not enough, asses like me can rant about their musings or masturbate over blogs like this regarding the burning issues. Or to put it mildly, make love to our own ideologies and derive orgasmic pleasure of doing nothing.

For those who have not yet got the hint of sarcasm in my post can go and join the Shiv Sena or Bajrang Dal or Muslim League or whatever. Vacancies in abundance. Only qualification

required, you should not have a brain and you should be jobless.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Show me some HOPE

After quite a few days I managed to catch some news on Television (how peaceful can life be without this idiot box on mind). 9'O Clock News on NDTV. Half an hour and I'm screaming for Hope. Please bring some element of hope in the news apart from just distress.

What does it contain? Well for one a moving story on Child Rape victims. Then a brutal lathi charge on people in Chhatisgarh. A man fighting for his life with no money to pay for his treatment. And a reminder of the Friday blasts in Hyderabad. On business front there is this newly elected Chief Minister of UP, Ms Mayawati telling proudly that each decision of previous government will be reviewed. Great. Next thing we know would happen is another city being named after some poor souls sleeping peacefully in their graves only to be recalled in the statues that have to be erected. Interestingly, I wonder how many of us know that a mere name change of a city can cost a government upto 250 crores for all the documentation that needs to be revised etc etc. There is a lot in a name indeed I guess. And this is the same lady who's an accused in the Taj Mahal land case. Beware Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav, tough days ahead of you. What else is news? Don't ask me. Maybe some another incidence of moral policing? Or another shameless parade of toppers of CBSE in front of camera as if the rest of 99% students who couldn't figure there have no more to live for as their careers are doomed without a chance in St Stephen's or an SRCC or St Xavier's. Fuck it. I couldn't even watch it further.

And I ended up writing this post? Why? For once please for the sake of hopelessly hopeful people like me, don't take away that pleasure from us. Show me some hope somewhere?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

God's Own Abode

Much as I may have an excuse of not having posted this early, I don't there can be any for laziness. So let me just say better late than never.

For those who know me from close quarters know my love for travel and yet its always remained a mystery (including to myself) that how come I never travelled to GOA ? Well the only explanation could be that almost like any other travel of mine this was also bound to happen only at its destined time, without planning and maximum fun.

So walked (or should I say breezed ??) these moments of happiness and "Jyo" in my life wherein I could finally touch the land of God's Own Abode (GOA).

This place, strikes you even before you land there. With the aircraft taking n number of turns and m maneouvers, as if trying n X m combinations before deciding which one to take for landing. And all this while you can enjoy some breathtaking view of this green calm land dotted with trees and generously sprinkled blue around it.

The airport gives a feel of a small town (much to my amazement it actually reminded me of Bareilly bus stand during my Mukteshwar trip). On our way to the place we were supposed to stay (Hotel Goa Astoria), we were presented with some beautiful scenic pictures, which, rightly so, were just a precursor to the great times that lay ahead. A little apprehensive of the place to stay as it didn’t have A/C I was just wishing it to be just the kind of small place that I love to stay in with the hope of getting the maximum taste of the local taste. And the moment I landed at the place all the hopes and wishes came true. Nestled in greenery like a treasure trove of beauty this place captures your heart with its serenity and the warmth of its people.

A room with its high wooden roof, glass tiles for the sunshine to play its games, a couple of chairs to talk silently and a window that opens into nature. Can it get better? Yes, if you decide to take walks with a good opinionated listener who could you rip you apart or whom you could destroy with words. Both willingly with only a feeling of respect and joy for each other. And it just gets better when one just decides to laze around absorbing all this. And thus bidding the first night a bye.

Day 1: You wake up to the songs of birds and the ruckus of insects, all of them celebrating the rise of sun in unison perhaps. Reminding us of how in the cities we forget the advent of the day as an event. At the breakfast table you are greeted by an old gentleman, full of desire to talk and reflect on the past or bring us to greet history that’s hidden in each part of a more than 200 yr old house or the ingenuity of wormiculture.

Soon there is a bike (my fav Pulsar) to head of to the first beach. We hit the road that winds through peacefully through the houses and the trees and the lakes and … Each house with a “pair” of chairs outside the porch. As if they’ve witnessed so many incidents, captured so many moments and heard so many stories that they’ve decided to entertain each other with their own experiences. We go past through the churches, some already done with their service and some abuzz with celebrations.

Soon we reach Anjuna, where the sea greets us with not a ferocious roar but a gentle hum. One is eager to feel the sand beneath the feet. To make the footprints in sand. And watch them being washed away, unless someone decides to follow them. The sea is playful, trying to touch our feet or asking us to touch its lips. A kiss is a kiss. It happens and it gives joy. Walking past the numerous small eateries to the rocky ends, one can lie down and close the eyes. With the shades shielding from the sun, the ears at their eager best to listen to the music of water. The eyes trying to capture the moment of beauty in form of a lady, with astute figure and a tall graceful walk, with a payal in one leg… Gajagamini? As if everything had been set to a script. The script written by my companion?

Before one is soaked into the beauty the sun’s giving its last salute. One decides to watch it go down with a glass of wine. Sauvignon Blanc so it should be then.. The night back is as peaceful as it can be. Some wonderful food under gentle lights and light breeze and minimal noise. Joslin is at his best again.

The after dinner walk as usual is full of composure, calm and astute love again. The discussion, in its silence is more loud. The touch of fingers is more verbal. The moonlight is dim and the darkness is glowing.

The fall of night two …

Day 2 : The first half is spent in ideating and idling .. Pondering over the breakfast and brooding over the lunch, much in anticipation of what lies ahead in the day. Soon we are heading to southern tip of Goa, towards Keri beach. Could never make to Tiracol Resort but nonetheless the almost deserted status of Keri is more than alluring. And what better than a bike ride that’s long ? So of we are again on the bike towards Keri. The drive starts on the usual beautiful note.. but it soon expands into a breathtaking spectacle.. It passes over the rivers, it rises into the ghats, it falls into the view of beaches, it breaches into the congested lanes, it whispers around the churches and it screams in the markets… it runs parallel to hypnotic sands till it halts into the tranquility of Keri. It takes sometime before one can fully absorb it. With a river leading into the sea and far across a fort glowing in its bright colours I dream of a dream house. We walk in silence. We know words are futile. The sea is dangerously treacherous. Its laying a trap. Its screaming and howling and its foaming at its max. So watch where you tread. With lesser the number of humans more is the chance of peace. And here you find it. Find it in the roar of the unassuming sea. You watch the sun, you watch it more. You watch the sea. And you watch it even more. You read the books by its side and you read more. Its more of everything. As if I had never felt the fulfillment. This place you just need to be there. You can’t talk more.

Soon headed back. Back to the abode. Back to the greeting by dogs barking. And the fragrance of Jasmine. The tranquility of Assagaon.

Soon the end of night three. This time ushered in over a glass of whiskey. And the site of an old couple. The gentleman as perfectly poised as one can get and the lady as graceful as one can expect. A lot .. a lot they have to teach even if you just watch them.

Day 3 : As much as one can hear about the beaches in Goa, one seldom hears about the Dudh Sagar falls. So obviously that has to be one of the destinations. The lesser known the place the more chances of it being good. The drive as usual by now you get used being mesmerized with. But once there, its an agonizing wait of about 45 minutes followed by a wonderful drive through the jungle (except for the sweat that’s expected at this time of the year). The drive is followed by the spectacle of the falls .. Only if one is an avid Bollywood fan can one say it’s the realization of a fantasy world. A high fall with a train crossing over it. One can just sit and wonder what all the nature beholds. And the words fail. Not much of words to say either on the way back where we are supposed to halt at the Old Goa Church. Which in itself is a spectacle. Seldom does one come across such grandeur accompanied by such blissful peace. One can just sit in silence and let the moments be absorbed.

Towards the night one reflects back on the days gone by and the day of good bye ahead. The times of joy and the times of silence. And how much this place has on offer. Wouldn’t the few words one can write be inadequate? Off course they would be.

Before one realizes the night is over. And its time to say good bye to all. To our friendly uncle to Joslin .. To Joseph.. To aunt Ida .. Uncle Edwin .. Thank You all.

And Yes.. Its time for me to say bye to my moments of “jyo”. She for that matter wouldn’t take the credit or much as she may dislike it, It wouldn’t have been what it was without her. Beyond that my words would do gross injustice to her. For those who wanna know what I mean can read all that they did above in a much better manner here.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Bebasee kaa shahar

बेदम बदहवास ज़िन्दगियों का शहर,
कुछ बेबस शरीर,
सुबह चलते हैं दो पैरों पर,
शाम तक कुछ रेंगते, कुछ घिसट ते,
दोहरी क़मर पर कुछ यूं संभलते ही
कुछ तंग कपड़ों में,
तो कुछ तंगहाली में,
हैं तो सब नंगे ही
किसी को एक और जाम की प्यास,
तो किसी को पहली बूँद की आस,
हैं तो सब प्यासे ही
किसी का हो आखरी जवाब,
तो किसी का पहला प्रश्न,
हैं तो सब प्रश्नचिंह ही
कोई सूरज की पहली किरण पर,
तो कोई सूरज की आखरी रौशनी में,
सोये हुये तो अनगिनत हैं ही
कहीं टाट के पैबंद,
तो कहीं मखमल के परदे,
गंदिगी तो सब जगह छुपी है ही
कोई एक पैर पर ट्रेन में,
तो कोई एक सीट पर बस में,
गाय बैल के तरह ठुसे तो सब हैं ही
हैरान हूँ में, परेशां भी,
चाहते क्या हैं सब,
ये जानते नहीं
में कौन सा अलबेला हूँ,
भीड़ में खोया तो हूँ मैं भी

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back to Mumbai

Nice but a whirlwind affair. How many times am I going to go through the same feeling now?
The reasons may differ but the end seems to be the same each time. Either I return numb wondering if at all I had achieved anything over the trip (be it personal or professional) or with a feeling that why couldn't it last longer. Just that wee bit extra to make it that bit more enjoyable. Greedy? Some may say that the reason that it was delightful was perhaps the fact that it lasted for such a short time. A burst of joy and happiness. Even I say that each place and each person in one's life has a certain time dimension associated. Nothing more nothing less should be spent there or with that person. Arguably some may wish to keep certain relationship out of such kind of a theoretical ideation. But then come to think of it. How much time can you spend at same place or how many hours would you willingly spend with one person in one day? Unless there is that element of uncertainity that how long will that long last you always prefer taking it in bites? You take people for granted. You give more importance to yourself in other's life and less to theirs in ours (as my friend says). So isn't it ironic that while we may long for longer associations we actually remember most of those which have been short but more enjoyable?

So what is that creeps in us which leads to such kind of a dillema? Or is it just me? I wonder .. I wonder coz I see the same expression on so many faces that surround me. As if asking questions about themselves. Their needs expressed in an enigmatic fashion. Trapped in their own illusions they seem to be searching for that elusive mirage that they have built for themselves. They are thirsting and searching for the oasis without knowing that the solace may be in that moment where someone by them has left footprints in the sand. The footprints that may be showing them the direction that they have always wanted to take and yet have not been able to take. So much for the fortitude that they may display in their own capabilities they will not be able to understand eachother's turmoils. The chaos that has a madness but a method to it. The method that is common across. The method that can bind us and the method that can define us.

And yet that self discovery is alien to so many and that method is known to so few. I won't call it enlightenment. But a love for the moment. The moments that make an era. The moments when we may have touched our ownself in quarters unchartered. In quarters where we feared to tread. Quarters where we need no illusions to be with ourselves within our own solitude. Even if it is in someone else's arms...

It may read out as a very convoluted post to many. It is not in defense for it. But those who feel it may find the method in the madness. After all being crazy has its own fun.

A flying experience

This post was supposed to be posted on 18th April .. but coming today just shows how much time we have been getting... anyways this was on my way to Delhi from Mumbai.

Well I'm on a flight yet again, but for a change this time it is not official. It is a happy occasion that I am going to celebrate in Delhi, that of a marriage of two of my closest friends.

But though the reason of flight may differ what doesn't change is the experience that one may have. This is the first time that I am travelling Spice Jet. A no frills airliner that has already got delayed by around an hour. So much for the punctuality. In addition to that there are these two gentleman sitting right next to me with no intentions of letting me sleep due to which I had to resort to writing this post. With their hands clapping on either of them cracking most amusing sort of jokes (without a hint of joke for me in those words) they are pretty much attentive when any of the petite air hostess approaches. Further, to add to my pleasures of flying, is another gentleman sitting right behind me. He has apparently not been told that there is a button to summon the flight crew in case something is required, so what does he resort to? Snoring off course. With his swan song on, he has obviously been heralded into a dream world which is not in anyway is connected to his fellow passengers. So much for wishing to have a good company in flight.

It is interesting to note however the distinct change in the kind of people I see in this budget airline. The Samsonites and Levis having been replaced by V.I.Ps and Parx or a Numero Uno (yeah its one of the brands which does pretty well in the middle income groups, thanks to its distribution strength, check out their exclusive showrooms in locations like malls in Lucknow's Gomati Nagar). Coming back to my point, how on the one hand these airlines have changed the skyscape of of India and on the other, we are increasingly witnessing a class divide in each aspect of a modern living.

While the rich may go on to afford any levels of expensive services, having crossed the threshold of utilitarian value, this attempt to dive lower in the strata while energizing the economic charge, is also creating a tension in social fabric perhaps. While the dream of equitable growth remains just that, an elusive dream, the aspirational needs are on a high. The need to be distinct and the need to be "progressive" is overtaking the need to live and the need to be content. Obviously the growth oriented may term that as cynical or risk averseness while the puritans may attempt to exacerbate the same into a pseudo-nationalistic cultural protection. Afterall, as a nation we are a nation of extremes perhaps.

So while only time will tell where exactly are we headed, for the time being I'd request these airlines to please use an air freshner at least to save mere mortals like me from the fart machines sitting next to them .. HHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP

P.S: As a final note, Jet and Sahara are finally getting merged and Jet is planning to have Sahara as a budget platform. Will that mean the death knell of the best food in the skies? I just hope there comes an airline with the food and flight crew of Sahara, ground staff and punctuality of Jet and in-flight entertainment of Kingfisher. Possible?

Sunday, April 1, 2007


In the past few days, one thing that has figured quite a few times in my dialogues with my friends, is being perceptive - the ability to understand a person very fast and be observant. One of my friend told me that I'm perceptive, while the other shredded apart this attribute when self proclaimed. It set me wondering about the three things mentioned in the title- perceptive, understanding, insecurity.

Why the three together? Well somewhere I feel as human emotions, the three are connected. Simply put, a perceptive person understands someone too well to make him/her insecure. Naah ain't that simple right? So lets look at each of them individually first

having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition

I doubt if there would be people who'd not wish to associate this adjective with themselves. And yet there would be very few who would perhaps understand the real truth behind it. What exactly do we mean by being perceptive? Don't we confuse understanding with being perceptive? Isn't it just a need to be acclaimed as someone knowledgeable who can read between lines or see through the things? Is it just a chicken or egg kind of situation - which came first .. perceptiveness or understanding? Is it just the more and more of understanding about more and more people that makes us perceptive? Or is it trial and error of perceptiveness being proved right or wrong basis the experience? Too many questions .. Isn't it? And as usual too few answers.

–verb (used with object)
to perceive the meaning of; grasp the idea of; comprehend:

Ah .. perceive the meaning of .. So perception comes first doesn't it? Then what's so special about being understanding? Ok for a change lets not make it a question. Its just a need to find our own stereotype images that we have built and the images that we need to prove our perceptions right. We understand and then we judge. Perfect recipe for pain. We judge and we are right so we hurt. We judge and we are wrong, so we get hurt.

–noun, plural -ties.
lack of confidence or assurance; self-doubt

One illness that has no cure. No one can do a bit about it but oneself. Others can only comfort you in the fact that we shouldn't be judging ourselves. And yet this disease inflicts all of us. In one manner or the other all of us are a victim to it. But some overcome it and most don't. The same gets expressed as the vlunerability or fear in one form or other.

So what is the point that I'm heading to? Lets get back to the core of the co-relation between the three. The chain begins where we feel the need to be understood. The much celebrated foundation of relationship. And to be understood we celebrate the presence of perceptiveness. We are drawn to such people who hold this quality in the hope that they would satiate our hunger to be understood. Yet so often when this quality is overbearing we start feeling threatened, insecure. The fear of being revealed more than we wish to. Lets face it, when we say we want to be understood we are referring only to the part that we wish to reveal. We still wish to keep a part as mystery within ourselves. No one wants to be naked.

Thus, the vicious cycle, of finding someone perceptive, being understood and being understood beyond the comfort levels to land up being insecure.

So what's the alternate? Where do we end up screwing? Is it the fallacy that attraction is presumed to be in the invisible. Or is it that we hate the power of observation because we may lack it ourselves? On this two quotes
"The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."
-Oscar Wilde
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
-George Bernard Shaw

What's the conclusion then? I believe till the time perceptiveness is overrated and celebrated, for those who have it, it will be a curse. And those who don't have it, it will be a fatal attraction. The only escape is the drive to discover ourselves, both through our own eyes and through others as well. Because if we discover ourselves we'd not be surprised by perceptiveness and we would inhibit our own insecurities as well.

To end on that note:
"It is cruel to discover one's mediocrity only when it is too late."
- W. Somerset Maugham

A non-mumbaikar's guide to "Locals"

This post was long overdue and I had decided to post it on the day when I get rid of my daily 1 hour travel to the office in Mumbai. The travel part has ended thankfully but I couldn't post it as I was packed off to Pune.

Over the period of 10 months that I was forced to make believe that one has to actually enjoy Mumbai locals as there are no better options than that I just noted down a few finer points. Obviously ones who have tasted it, may be knowing it but just in case someone new can make use of it.. who knows? My experience stems out of daily travel from Vashi to Mumbai CST (formerly VT) and part travel on Churchgate to Andheri. So here are a few notes out of my travel diary on Mumbai Local

Western Line starting from Churchgate is the worst of the lot, followed by the central line and then the harbour line (on which i've survived for 10 months).
If your monthly income allows you to spend around 400-600 Rs extra without burning a hole in your pocket you can cut down around 25% of your woos by travelling in 1st Class. However in the hours that matter this may prove to be ineffective.

Now for a few tips:
Getting In ...
There can be two situations for this:
Situation One- The train is starting from the station where you are boarding it. In
such a case you are advised to know the time when that train actually comes into the station and make sure that you arrive before that time. Identify the side which people use to get in. And if you are a good athlete you better be well trained to acclimatize yourself to the speed with which the train enters the station. Also know the spot where the your
compartment/gate is likely to come. For first class choose the larger compartment's second gate as that's usually the lesser mobbed one. And since most of the people lack common sense they will go right from that gate towards more number of seats while you can buck the trend and hit left towards smaller block. If you don't get a seat also, wait as there might be some gentleman who'd be waiting to get down.

Caution: If anyone falls in this wrestling match, don't try to show your chivalry by trying to pick him up as you may actually pile up his agony by falling flat on him and be rained down by footsteps.

Situation Two: The train doesn't start at your station. If its the rush hour and you badly need a seat. You better go in the opposite direction to a station from where the train starts and get in. Else you just need carry a lot of weight and power in your arms to push and shove people.

All this to just get in .. Pray to almighty that you get a seat because despite all the planning and agility you may still end up without a seat and may have to spend the rest of the time standing.

In transit ...
If you travel regularly during the travel and you get a seat, be courteous to give your seat to someone who also travels regularly. Someday they may return the gesture and you may even make some good friends.

If you are standing be aware of where you are standing coz if you are blocking the exit route you may get to hear the choicest of abuses which may just make your day.

Don't let anyone get into the area between the two rows of seats, that's their most convenient way of blocking your chance of getting a seat in case someone is getting up.

If you haven't got much into the compartment, the best place to stand is next to the door with the support of the bar and back resting against the rear of the seats. And once you are packed (this can actually defy the logic of space constraint in terms of how many objects can be packed in a give space) do not try to shuffle of move. Learn to be a statue. Be ready to enjoy various kinds of odor. And keep feeling for your pocket to ensure your wallet is where its meant to be.
Please do not.. i repeat DO NOT stand near exit point or a queue that's not meant for you.
If you do that you can be assured of being thrown out of the train at a station that is not meant for you.

Getting Out...

If you are travelling in the opposite direction of regular traffic of the train (e.g coming to Churchgate/VT in the evenings) you better not stand at the gate of the train. Else before you realise you will be assumed as a punching bag and knocked out in no time. In such a situation hold on to the bar next to the gate with your face towards the seats. This way maximum damage will only be to your ass.

Make sure that in a crowded train you get up at least one station before the one that you intend to get out.

If you are struggling how to get out, just make sure you are in the queue of ppl who need to get out. Rest everyone else will do to ensure you are out of the train.

General :

As far as possible don't even risk taking a train that goes too far a distance beyond your station. On western line, unless you have to go to Borivali or Virar, don't even think of taking a fast in the rush hours. You'll never get down.

Remember the dates of your monthly pass. The TTEs have a knack of catching you at the worst possible time.

Keep an eye on any suspicious objects/humans ..

FM can be one of the better partners in such journeys. Recommended channel : FM Rainbow between 7-10 in the morning. FM gold between 5-8 in the evening.

Finally if you are not tired of this post already, don't forget to thank god if you survive one more day in the locals. On an average around 3000 people die every year in one or the other accidents involving Mumbai Locals.
And yes to its credit, each day could make you come across a new kind of character enriching your life with a different experience...

Pune Visit

1st April, Not a fool's day at all for me at least coz I'm returning back to Mumbai after excruciating 10 days in Pune. So much so for having a good time here, I ended up working from 10AM to 2AM every day without fail including the much celebrated Sundays. But in a way the amount of work I did and the learnings I had, it offsets all the discomfort that I might have faced. Soon I may actually be called Key Account Manager (loading unloading trucks) in fact.

This city has supposedly the best climate after Bangalore. Not true if you were to take my experience as the test sample. Obviously it may be too small a sample for statistical significance but for me that's the only one. And 10 days with temperature hovering between 38-40 degrees certainly doesn't make your work at a distribution centre easy. But yes this city does seem to come alive on a weekend as I realised last night.

Some of the highlights and the lessons from it in the last 10 days.

Lesson one: Sexually starved perverts can be your worst nightmare as colleagues. Stay as far as you can from them.
Lesson two: If there are any dependencies in your work make sure you either put them in place or cut them short.
Lesson three: Whenever things are not happening and you are skeptical if at all they'll happen, term that as "Work in Progress" and say that you are trying instead of owning up the responsibility.
Lesson four: Unhealthy competition sucks but its prevelant everywhere.
Lesson five: Take the gatekeepers into confidence and your work will flow smoothly.
Lesson Six ... Last but not the least ..its not a lesson but reaffirmation of what I seriously believe .. One can find most incompetent people at the most important of chairs!
And thus, most of the companies succeed not because they have the best of the people, but perhaps because the others have the dumbest of them.
So end my ten days in Pune. I don't know how I survived without net, without sleep, without books, without music, with only me and the work. But I did. Hope I don't have to give another survival test.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Me and My Solitude

This is the first of my post on some of the photographs/collages that I have taken/made. Hope I'll be able to make it regular and do justice to them as well. This first one is a collage and adorns my desktop as well as the blog :).

I have tried to capture my fascination for silence and loneliness in this. Capturing the elements and entwine them to display the charm of silence. To take you through the genesis of the three shots, two of them are from Lakshadweep and one from an on campus party.

The Essence: The background is fire. The fire of our emotions and the fire of our imagination that we can never escape from. Perhaps I should use the word "illusion" instead of imagination but that may differ from perceptions. So in this heat of imagination/emotions the search is for peace. The life is an ocean as it carries ahead into the next shot .. In the darkness somewhere, under the dim light of knowledge, which may be clouded by the atmosphere, there is this urge in my belly to take that boat and head for the unchartered territories. Distant and yet so alluring. And so I take the waters, learning unlearning how to find my way through the choppy waters and the light of my knowledge increasing. I reach the stage of bright sunlight. And I take rest, stopping at a beach where the water is shining in all its glory with different colours. I see two empty chairs, inviting .. to relax and reflect on the journey I've just covered. With an additional one for someone so invisible and yet longed for with whom I could share what I've just gone through. But there is only silence and the gentle humming of the waves. Sometimes they raise in crescendo to ask why have I stopped? But i'm still wondering.. Or am I waiting for someone to come and sit beside me on the next chair .. Or am I still charmed by my solitude ..In the meanwhile, the day starts falling.. The light is growing dim again .. I feel scared .. my knowledge is stagnating .. Something else is calling .. to be discovered .. And I grow restless .. Is this my destiny or the call of the wild. I am confused .. I am the contrarian torn apart .. I am ..
.. a confused question mark??

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Nishabd .. Literally Speechless ..

Null Hypothesis: RGV needs to take a break
Statistical Evidence: Road .. "Darrrrrr"naaaaa manaaa hai .. James phew .. Nishabd
Confidence Level: 100%
Conclusion : Null Hypothesis holds true

In case you have started wondering what am I talking about, the whole idea is to illustrate the point that how does one feel when something turns out to be how its not supposed to. So if you read a review/critique like the one above how would you reckon me as? Dumb right? Now imagine how would you describe a person who takes the best of ingredients and serves the worst of dishes? Plane dumb right? That is how I felt when I came out of the theatre after watching Nishabd. Literally at loss of words, wondering why the hell did I chose this movie to cap my wonderful weekend (we had decided to maximize the utility of whatever time remained after our trip to Nasik).

The movie is a classic example of how one can make a hash of a good subject. Whether its due to the doubt of Indian audience's palatibility or a lack of understanding on his own part, RGV just doesn't get it right. Off course the movie has its brilliant moments, from cinematographic viewpoint and Big B's acting (esp during his hysterical laugh scene). But such moments are just few. Nothing to write home about. If the inclusion of Jiah Khan was to give it a touch of skin flick, well for one she ain't sexy at all and two she can't act !! Plain dead pan expression being worn through out, she looks like a dumb doll !! The rest of the cast is just lost and you don't know what they are doing. So by the time you wake up from the sleep the movie is over and you haven't even heard the song so beautifully sung.

To summarise, we used to hear a story when we were kids "Ek tha raja, ek thi rani, dono mar gaye khatam kahani" and this one goes like "ek tha buddha, ek thi ladki, ladki bhaag gayi, budhha mara nahi".

On a final note:

Null Hypothesis 2: Is RGV a type two error ?
Statistics: Whomsoever reads this, give it to me
Conclusion: Inconclusive

P.S: Puritans of statistics/Engineers/MBA's don't fret over the liberal use of statistical terminology.

The Trip To Vineyard

The times are good the times are strange. This weekend added another chapter to the interesting times I have been having amidst the heavy workload at the office. The fact that this post is coming after a gap is because of too busy a schedule that I have been having off late. Nonetheless this is not a crib post but one on the way that I celebrated Holi.

We (me and couple of my closest friends from Hel(L)) had been deliberating upon a way to spend the weekend (finally I had one thanks to the "Holi"day on sat). Having ruled out Kashid for certain reasons, we settled on a trip to vineyard in Nasik. Working in a beverages team obviously has its advantage, so courtesy a colleague of mine, everything was fixed in a jiffy and lo we were on our way to Nasik on a sunny afternoon from Mumbai. Two assholes and two ladies with the intentions of making merry (no need for any wild imagination here :D). My friend, with his new car was driving it with care (being a kind of first drive on Highway for him). Mumbai was also to add to our delay with its traffic and it took us more than an hour to get outta it.

Anyways soon on course through bumpy roads (who calls it a Highway I dunno) we enjoyed the drive despite all efforts of Sun to give us a beating. We had the intentions of witnessing the sunset with a glass of wine but given the delay we finally reached at around 8 only to the Sula vineyard. There the contact, we had to touch base with, first took us through the operations of winery. With lotsa fundas he made the time count and we surely gathered some knowledge.

Soon it was time that we had been waiting for and we headed for the wine tasting. The person took us through it tastefully (literally). So till date what was just a casual understanding of tastes became a little more than that, with some light thrown on the nuances of wines and their characteristics. From dryness to sweetness, to "legs" of wine and the fermentation temperature etc we did gain quite a bit of stuff (not to say that we are already experts!!).

Having taken some amount during tasting itself we finally settled down to go on a binge. And soon the blabber of words was suggesting that we were splurging. And tastefully so. Bottles and pints were soon empty. With a heady feeling (the women experiencing it more ;) ) we finally headed back after draining a good amount. Most of us being totally sloshed there was quite a bit of concern on part of ladies about who'd be driving. In the end despite me being most sober, I didn't get a chance to drive :D . But yes I became a witness to most interesting of conversations :) (no details on this :) )

Day 2, we woke up late despite having made plans last night to have breakfast at Taj. As usual we gave up the idea and decided to have a light one at the place we were staying. Soon we headed back to Sula for another dive into the divine world of wines (oops .. did I make it sound poetic ?? ). Anyways back at the Sula tasting room we made merry. Its a beautiful place very tastefully done. So to add pleasure to your tasting buds it adds pleasure to the visual taste buds as well. Overlooking a vineyard one can see a beautiful lake a little ahead as well. The interiors have been done with heart put in it and is a visual delight. All said and done we were soon back to business of another drinking session. This time a bit less though as we had to head back.

Soon with a heavy heart (its becoming so common after each trip of mine) we headed back, with sun not that angry this time. We criss crossed the ghats with some brilliant display of glory of sun in orange light.. The air this time being much more cooler we reached in lesser time back to the ghettos of Mumbai.

To summarise, it was a great/different way of celebrating Holi and helped me get back to the groove of loving wines.

Last King of Scotland

Three things that West can't do without:
1) War
2) Paranoia
3) A white man's burden to prove he's carrying the world ahead

With much hopes we went for the movie .. High Hopes indeed with Whitaker getting the Oscar .. And we came back singing a dud tune. With a series of good movies last year esp on Africa/racism (Crash, Hotel Rwanda, Blood Diamonds) we were expecting another good flick. But maybe that expectation itself turned out to be too much for asking. Based on the life and times of Idi Amin, the movie does hold well for most part of its running but then it doesn't appeal either as a cinematically sound work or a metaphorical expression. Visually it depicts the story pretty well perhaps. But where it lacks in is the purpose. The director seems to be clueless about the purpose for which he's made the movie: Whether it is to entertain, or remind us about the past or a plain simple political statement. I haven't read too much of Amin's history but the movie is not entirely about that either. Its more of a person story/biography than anything more. And even in this effort it disappoints badly.

Another point that hits you directly is the Oscar for Whitaker. Certainly not for god sake! Its def not an Oscar winning performance. Is it the phenomenon of Counter Racism that we are witnessing? Did the academy succumb to the pressure of "anti-racism" to deny D'Caprio of what would have been thoroughly deserving act in The Departed? I don't know. Its for everyone to see. All I can say about the movie is see only if you have nothing else to do. Else you may skip the story of a guy who's willing to have sex at the drop of a hat.

P.S: Oh Ms Anderson, how old you look in the movie. If only you could continue to look the way you did in X-Files.