Me and My Solitude

This is the first of my post on some of the photographs/collages that I have taken/made. Hope I'll be able to make it regular and do justice to them as well. This first one is a collage and adorns my desktop as well as the blog :).
I have tried to capture my fascination for silence and loneliness in this. Capturing the elements and entwine them to display the charm of silence. To take you through the genesis of the three shots, two of them are from Lakshadweep and one from an on campus party.
The Essence: The background is fire. The fire of our emotions and the fire of our imagination that we can never escape from. Perhaps I should use the word "illusion" instead of imagination but that may differ from perceptions. So in this heat of imagination/emotions the search is for peace. The life is an ocean as it carries ahead into the next shot .. In the darkness somewhere, under the dim light of knowledge, which may be clouded by the atmosphere, there is this urge in my belly to take that boat and head for the unchartered territories. Distant and yet so alluring. And so I take the waters, learning unlearning how to find my way through the choppy waters and the light of my knowledge increasing. I reach the stage of bright sunlight. And I take rest, stopping at a beach where the water is shining in all its glory with different colours. I see two empty chairs, inviting .. to relax and reflect on the journey I've just covered. With an additional one for someone so invisible and yet longed for with whom I could share what I've just gone through. But there is only silence and the gentle humming of the waves. Sometimes they raise in crescendo to ask why have I stopped? But i'm still wondering.. Or am I waiting for someone to come and sit beside me on the next chair .. Or am I still charmed by my solitude ..In the meanwhile, the day starts falling.. The light is growing dim again .. I feel scared .. my knowledge is stagnating .. Something else is calling .. to be discovered .. And I grow restless .. Is this my destiny or the call of the wild. I am confused .. I am the contrarian torn apart .. I am ..
.. a confused question mark??
what you had shared here with the world, which moved around you not so oblivious to the perpetual struggle of emotions in you, is an honest voice. The world may dismay over the fidelity of the tone, but would draw towards you, the compelling charm around the note. No one watches you boy, none is there to watch ur dreams, you are the audience, you are the performer in your dreams n the world of solitude. that "someone" is an element of comfort for us that there is some X towards which your feet move you...what do u say? awwwwwwwww,it's getting complex.
I hold each image distinct, with no string and order is attached. the power of imagination that dragged you away from the vibrant and cheerful ambience around to a land of solitude. your friend sitting next to you would have asked you "where were you lost?" whose thoughts {someone so far unknown),whose memories (someone a part of life was spent with)that young fertile heart was throbbing at...n I admire at its reluctance to live in the present moment...n its audacity to be lured by a dew like touch it, it may vanish but leave a note for you to pack your bag and follow its trail...
Longing you know
is faceless.
you do not know who is walking beside you, surprisingly who you can’t see
Someone who goes on a long walk when you are indoors, holding your whisky, a book breathing in your lap,
Someone who remains aloof near the porch when you move out to walk across the streets...
someone who does not walk beside you
However, makes you tremble silently for
a footstep, so close and so near...
....words are taking control of me. perhaps, I should stop.
I was watching Bergman's movie (one of his best) "Wild Strawberries"...the opening frame says, "In relationships with other people, we mainly discuss and evaluate their character n behaviour.that's why I withdrew from relationships...."----Jyo
Ya it did become complex but I got the message finally after reading it a couple of times :). I loved the "dew" bit .. makes one feel cool and warm at the same time. My shadow's the only one that walks beside me .. the ending line is perfect .. nothing could have been better than that perhaps .. thanks Jyo..
I liked that bit "Longing.It is faceless"....
You can cage the singer but not the song - Harry Belafonte
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