For a change media has a new topic of some substance to write home about. Though in my opinion its as old as the existence of so called "Communist movement" in India. Current context is the debate between Left and the government over the 123 pact on Nuclear collaboration between India and US. Whether its an ego issue between the two or a regular tussle, that only time will decide, but for now, to me it presents a classic example of identity crisis that the Left movement faces in this country.
Communist leadership seems to have run out of ideas to hold onto their much vaulted image (amongst the "bhadra lok") and only the fear of losing their relevance can cause such absurd reactions. I mean consider this : The same set of people who left no stone unturned in criticising the then Vajpayee government for conducting the nuclear tests now talks about the souvereignty of the nation for carrying our own nuclear program.
Its a long time since Naxalbadi movement became the face of Communist movement. Yet the left leadership continues to live in a sort of cocoon of the ideals that socialism looks for. Having been born and brought up by a communist father I had the opportunity of being exposed to their ideas. Though the ideas may sound altruistic with the basic ethos of parity being a well thought of concept, India as a nation poses different challenges. If I have to list a few of them, top most in them would be its Diversity, Population, Religion and Distribution of resources/Poverty apart from others. So in this context, to believe that any socialistic idea can be replicated within Indian fabric would amount to either fooling yourself or assuming others to be.
Lets face it, over the last 60 years of independence we may have remained a vibrant democracy but we have also further deteriorated into "groups" / "herds" marked by the lines of religion or caste or region. The fact that the natural resources in the sub-continent are inequitably spread has further deepened this divide. The rest whatever remained has been paralysed by utterly dismaying political leadership that WE chose for ourselves. The result is a conglomerate of interest groups who would first drive their own interest and then if space be that of the nation. If I have to count the number of causes that these interest groups would come together for would either be arising out of Extreme (misplaced/euphoric) nationalism against Pakistan or a tendency to forget life in dreams (like in Bollywood) or a desire to look for so hard to find "role models" like in Cricket. All this the fact that what we are looking as a world order, is strongly determined by the economic strength.
In this context what does the Left do? They create a pseudo intellectual realm where truth becomes its own victim by alienating a majority - posing/distorting its own face in the hands of the right. They become the self righteous guardians of the conscience of this country. The so called protectors of minority rights (thus creating further tensions). In the garb of moving towards classless society they hasten the process of fractured caste based politics. Last but not the least, when you know that market economy is here to stay you follow contradictory strategies at centre and states.
At this point let me make it clear that I'm not questioning there intentions. Its there means that I beg to differ with and there utter inability to consider the peculiarities of this nation. Its not a Russia that can see a disruptive action through the efforts of some Lenin. Its not a China which will allow itself to be ruled by someone like Mao without questions.
Religion is a fact in India. Caste has become another reality thanks to emergence of likes of Mayawati, Lau and Mulayam. Regionalism is going to get aggravated with some states moving ahead faster than others and Naidu, Jayalalitha, Karunanidhi exploiting it to hilt. So the need is to find a factor that can make people think alike and think right. The only possible candidate for that would be Economics. Poverty is a common thread that can bind people. The challenge is to use correct means to weave this fabric. Correct means would be education and health. Preservation of our identity would automatically happen. The questions of souvereignty would fall in place by themselves.
Till then please don't rake up trivial issues and stop fooling yourself and this nation. Come out of it and face the reality. The world has changed and so should we. Instead of giving this nation political instability, be sane enough to present before it the right issues and problems that people willingly challenge and resolve. Rather than making it Left Vs Right make it an inertia Vs development fight. Unless the nation develops, all these stupid debates will continue. When History judges, you will be far behind in some corner as bunch of people who could never come out of the warp of idiosyncratic utopian idealism and who failed to make any constructive contribution to the nation.
Musings of a deranged mind... Visuals of a traveller .. Confusions of collective loneliness ... On journey of self discovery ..
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Random ...
Finally I get some time to write and update the blog. Its been a hectic period with more chaos to come forth. Was lucky enough to be in Lucknow the past week and unlucky enough for not being able to spend much time on campus. But there were periods there that left me with a flurry of thoughts some time.
Stage 1 : Distribution centre of my company - Classic example of "Lakhnawi Andaaz aka Nawaabi Andaaz". Let everything be served on a platter and we'll enjoy it. I wonder if that's not a pan India phenomenon also. Maybe its even inherent in Indians to find the shortest and easiest possible way to not just do the work but even pass it on to someone else as well. I wonder what is it that prevents people from learning or rather even inculcating the desire to learn. Where and at what stage in one's life does one plateau? Be it professional aspect or personal, isn't it that we can always strive to learn? Do we just tire out or do we just give up? Is cynicism inevitable or is it the shadow of much fabled "Tolerance" of Indians - the famous "chalta hai attitude". I don't know myself for I can't imagine myself stagnated. It frustrates me no end to find that I'm not learning. But the more I look for answers around, I see just plain inertia. Be it out of sheer lack of strength or a desire to just be in a cocoon of comfort zone. That's the way we are and that's the way we would be. Is that all that we have to honour ourselves with in the 60th Year of independence?
Stage 2 : IIM-L campus - I met my fellow (junior) PRiSMites. PRiSM has always been close to my heart simply for the friends it gave me and the opportunity it gave me to learn so much. One of the most integral aspects of my campus life at L. But this time campus wore a worn look. As if the buildings were breathing heavily and the absence of my friends made them wear a pale shade of yellow and dull brown. It just told me how an institution is not by its edifices but by the people who run it and form a part of it. Which is why I felt the sense of comfort with the Juniors. However their enthu about girls and girlfriends may have amused me or made me feel a little older the same aspects just made me feel younger and full of life. The campus was at lease reverberating with energy. I miss it. And for all I miss it for the people.
P.S : Latest Null hypothesis (to be proved though there is enough empirical evidence) : The number of people who flunk in a batch is directly co-related to the number of girls in the batch.
Stage 3 : Room in Clarks - Marvellous view. Peaceful. I have come back tired and yet I don't feel that need to crash early. But yes I do feel sleepy at the right time and I get up at the right time. The routine seems to fitting. Reminds me of the rush of Mumbai. And I shudder. Can't life be so peaceful like this everywhere? Reminds me of the song that fits Mumbai so well - seene mein jalan
Stage 1 : Distribution centre of my company - Classic example of "Lakhnawi Andaaz aka Nawaabi Andaaz". Let everything be served on a platter and we'll enjoy it. I wonder if that's not a pan India phenomenon also. Maybe its even inherent in Indians to find the shortest and easiest possible way to not just do the work but even pass it on to someone else as well. I wonder what is it that prevents people from learning or rather even inculcating the desire to learn. Where and at what stage in one's life does one plateau? Be it professional aspect or personal, isn't it that we can always strive to learn? Do we just tire out or do we just give up? Is cynicism inevitable or is it the shadow of much fabled "Tolerance" of Indians - the famous "chalta hai attitude". I don't know myself for I can't imagine myself stagnated. It frustrates me no end to find that I'm not learning. But the more I look for answers around, I see just plain inertia. Be it out of sheer lack of strength or a desire to just be in a cocoon of comfort zone. That's the way we are and that's the way we would be. Is that all that we have to honour ourselves with in the 60th Year of independence?
Stage 2 : IIM-L campus - I met my fellow (junior) PRiSMites. PRiSM has always been close to my heart simply for the friends it gave me and the opportunity it gave me to learn so much. One of the most integral aspects of my campus life at L. But this time campus wore a worn look. As if the buildings were breathing heavily and the absence of my friends made them wear a pale shade of yellow and dull brown. It just told me how an institution is not by its edifices but by the people who run it and form a part of it. Which is why I felt the sense of comfort with the Juniors. However their enthu about girls and girlfriends may have amused me or made me feel a little older the same aspects just made me feel younger and full of life. The campus was at lease reverberating with energy. I miss it. And for all I miss it for the people.
P.S : Latest Null hypothesis (to be proved though there is enough empirical evidence) : The number of people who flunk in a batch is directly co-related to the number of girls in the batch.
Stage 3 : Room in Clarks - Marvellous view. Peaceful. I have come back tired and yet I don't feel that need to crash early. But yes I do feel sleepy at the right time and I get up at the right time. The routine seems to fitting. Reminds me of the rush of Mumbai. And I shudder. Can't life be so peaceful like this everywhere? Reminds me of the song that fits Mumbai so well - seene mein jalan
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Nestling in beautiful surroundings is an ugly looking resort, which appears like a white blot on a green canvas. That’s about the only negative of a place called Igatpuri, on the Mumbai-Nashik highway (around 40 Kms before Nashik). Rest everything is blissful, peaceful and truly beautiful.
The four of us (the usual suspects) headed for this place on a beautiful Saturday morning with the added pleasure on my part of skipping the office. We had a long night behind us when we started (with all of us having enough to warm our blood and still wake up late into the night) early at around 7. Soon having left the muddle and puddles of Mumbai behind, we were onto the highway which was gradually giving way to beautiful sights on either side. Lush green under the dark shadows of the lingering clouds. The weather just seemed perfect. No rains and no sun beating down. As if the perfect stage had been set for the 4 squared of us. While wondering about the weather, we reached the ghats and some awesome scenery was in store for us. Flanked by the railway tracks disappearing into tunnels sometimes and on others the mist kissing the roads to make it look like a hill station.

P.S : For those who wish for a more lively account of this trip with more snaps would do well to visit here.
The four of us (the usual suspects) headed for this place on a beautiful Saturday morning with the added pleasure on my part of skipping the office. We had a long night behind us when we started (with all of us having enough to warm our blood and still wake up late into the night) early at around 7. Soon having left the muddle and puddles of Mumbai behind, we were onto the highway which was gradually giving way to beautiful sights on either side. Lush green under the dark shadows of the lingering clouds. The weather just seemed perfect. No rains and no sun beating down. As if the perfect stage had been set for the 4 squared of us. While wondering about the weather, we reached the ghats and some awesome scenery was in store for us. Flanked by the railway tracks disappearing into tunnels sometimes and on others the mist kissing the roads to make it look like a hill station.
By 11 we had reached the resort and nature was at its brilliant best. So much so that despite the long night none of us wanted to rest and we just filled ourselves and hit the trek to the hills. The resort is surrounded on three sides by the hills which present a lot of opportunities to give the knees an exercise or two. After soaking in the beauty at a lesser height we decided to go further ahead. And without too many huffs and puffs with occasional hurdles due to the terrain we scaled one beautiful after another before coming to a rest on top of a small waterfall. There lay the beautiful scene of the hills truly hugging us while the valley seemed to call us to plunge. Far ahead lay the railway tracks on which the trains chugged along. Not many sounds and not deep silences either. We sometimes soaked it in silently while at other moments we shared the joy.
Soon the hunger pangs led us to start descending. The descent as expected was faster but at times tougher. And by the time we touched the base down, it started raining hard and we were drenched to the skin. I for once was reminded of my joyous moments in rain and I just couldn’t help soaking it in to the full.
Soon the hunger pangs led us to start descending. The descent as expected was faster but at times tougher. And by the time we touched the base down, it started raining hard and we were drenched to the skin. I for once was reminded of my joyous moments in rain and I just couldn’t help soaking it in to the full.
Soon after lunch having got fresh naturally, we now headed back to the hills with our books. Under a gentle inviting tree we sat to spend some peaceful moments to ourselves. Away from the chores of office, from the calls of civilization and the nuisance of practical life as they call it. We talked to ourselves and within ourselves in the peaceful glory of nature. Yeah the occasional photo shoots were anyways thrown in.
After dark we came back tired to the resort and had a gala wine party (getting it into the resort itself was a story). And after a long session of fun talk, the alleviating flow of alcohol in the veins and the lactic acid in the muscles, we went off to a serene sleep. For me it was one of the deepest and most enjoyable ones.
Day two, we woke up to a good amount of sunshine with the clouds playing occasional hide n seek. Soon we were again in a mood to rest our backs on a tree if possible or in a calm solitary place. We spotted one such next to a “mazaar” which lay well hidden behind a normal eyesight. And what a place it was. Hidden away from too many eyes, perfect view of railway lines and the winding roads. Well I for one could actually relive my memories of climbing trees as well. And from the tree was visible a couple of distant lakes. Something that I saw from the tree my friends could see without doing that also but none the less the pretty sight lured us and begged us to be visited.
Day two, we woke up to a good amount of sunshine with the clouds playing occasional hide n seek. Soon we were again in a mood to rest our backs on a tree if possible or in a calm solitary place. We spotted one such next to a “mazaar” which lay well hidden behind a normal eyesight. And what a place it was. Hidden away from too many eyes, perfect view of railway lines and the winding roads. Well I for one could actually relive my memories of climbing trees as well. And from the tree was visible a couple of distant lakes. Something that I saw from the tree my friends could see without doing that also but none the less the pretty sight lured us and begged us to be visited.
And what a beautiful place it was. Sparsely inhabited, by the lake side with only a few souls to spoil the serenity. Some trees scattered, as if they had been just dropped there. We were all truely mesmerised. The hills in the backdrop of the lake while the sun continued to hide behind the clouds made for some fantastic scenic snaps. We lived the moments in silence watching the ripples in the lake and letting the breeze flow through our hair.

It was time to start back but it was also time to look back at the time just gone by with some of the fondest memories which would always bring back smiles whenever we feel we don't have enough of them. That was the kind of place - Igatpuri.
P.S : For those who wish for a more lively account of this trip with more snaps would do well to visit here.
उत्तरों का सन्नाटा
भूख लगती थी तब भी मुझको,
जब दो वक़्त की रोटी से पेट भरता था,
भूख आज भी है मुझको,
जब घी के पराँठे और पनीर,
खा कर भी पेट खाली रहता है
प्यास तब भी थी मुझको,
जो घड़े के चुल्लू भर पानी से बुझती थी,
गला पर अब पर्यंत सूखा है मेरा,
जब जाम से जाम टकराते हैं,
मयखाने दर मयखाने भटकते
विचरता था स्वच्छंद तब भी मैं,
जब सपने अपने थे और आसमान भी अपना
उड़ता हूँ आज भी वहीं,
बस किसी हवाई जहाज़ की सीट
के बोर्डिंग पास पर नाम है मेरा
धुल जाता था तब चेहरा,
बारिश की चंद बूंदों मॆं,
आज भी मैला हो आता है,
कालिख मगर आज रह जाती है,
साबुन की परतों मॆं रगड़ते रगड़ते
जिन्दगी दौड़ती थी तब भी,
जब मैं भाग कर बस मॆं,
उसे पकड़ लेता था
आज वो भागती है डिवाइडर के उस तरफ,
और मैं बस उसे मौन देखता हूँ कार मॆं
आईने मॆं दिखती थी कभी एक छवि,
आज सिर्फ एक छाया है,
कौन हूँ मैं, किसका यहाँ घर है,
मोहपाशों की एक माया है,
प्रश्नों के इस जंगल मॆं, उत्तरों का सन्नाटा है
जब दो वक़्त की रोटी से पेट भरता था,
भूख आज भी है मुझको,
जब घी के पराँठे और पनीर,
खा कर भी पेट खाली रहता है
प्यास तब भी थी मुझको,
जो घड़े के चुल्लू भर पानी से बुझती थी,
गला पर अब पर्यंत सूखा है मेरा,
जब जाम से जाम टकराते हैं,
मयखाने दर मयखाने भटकते
विचरता था स्वच्छंद तब भी मैं,
जब सपने अपने थे और आसमान भी अपना
उड़ता हूँ आज भी वहीं,
बस किसी हवाई जहाज़ की सीट
के बोर्डिंग पास पर नाम है मेरा
धुल जाता था तब चेहरा,
बारिश की चंद बूंदों मॆं,
आज भी मैला हो आता है,
कालिख मगर आज रह जाती है,
साबुन की परतों मॆं रगड़ते रगड़ते
जिन्दगी दौड़ती थी तब भी,
जब मैं भाग कर बस मॆं,
उसे पकड़ लेता था
आज वो भागती है डिवाइडर के उस तरफ,
और मैं बस उसे मौन देखता हूँ कार मॆं
आईने मॆं दिखती थी कभी एक छवि,
आज सिर्फ एक छाया है,
कौन हूँ मैं, किसका यहाँ घर है,
मोहपाशों की एक माया है,
प्रश्नों के इस जंगल मॆं, उत्तरों का सन्नाटा है
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