Musings of a deranged mind... Visuals of a traveller .. Confusions of collective loneliness ... On journey of self discovery ..
Friday, May 25, 2007
Show me some HOPE
What does it contain? Well for one a moving story on Child Rape victims. Then a brutal lathi charge on people in Chhatisgarh. A man fighting for his life with no money to pay for his treatment. And a reminder of the Friday blasts in Hyderabad. On business front there is this newly elected Chief Minister of UP, Ms Mayawati telling proudly that each decision of previous government will be reviewed. Great. Next thing we know would happen is another city being named after some poor souls sleeping peacefully in their graves only to be recalled in the statues that have to be erected. Interestingly, I wonder how many of us know that a mere name change of a city can cost a government upto 250 crores for all the documentation that needs to be revised etc etc. There is a lot in a name indeed I guess. And this is the same lady who's an accused in the Taj Mahal land case. Beware Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav, tough days ahead of you. What else is news? Don't ask me. Maybe some another incidence of moral policing? Or another shameless parade of toppers of CBSE in front of camera as if the rest of 99% students who couldn't figure there have no more to live for as their careers are doomed without a chance in St Stephen's or an SRCC or St Xavier's. Fuck it. I couldn't even watch it further.
And I ended up writing this post? Why? For once please for the sake of hopelessly hopeful people like me, don't take away that pleasure from us. Show me some hope somewhere?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
God's Own Abode
Much as I may have an excuse of not having posted this early, I don't there can be any for laziness. So let me just say better late than never.
So walked (or should I say breezed ??) these moments of happiness and "Jyo" in my life wherein I could finally touch the
This place, strikes you even before you land there. With the aircraft taking n number of turns and m maneouvers, as if trying n X m combinations before deciding which one to take for landing. And all this while you can enjoy some breathtaking view of this green calm land dotted with trees and generously sprinkled blue around it.
A room with its high wooden roof, glass tiles for the sunshine to play its games, a couple of chairs to talk silently and a window that opens into nature. Can it get better? Yes, if you decide to take walks with a good opinionated listener who could you rip you apart or whom you could destroy with words. Both willingly with only a feeling of respect and joy for each other. And it just gets better when one just decides to laze around absorbing all this. And thus bidding the first night a bye.
Day 1: You wake up to the songs of birds and the ruckus of insects, all of them celebrating the rise of sun in unison perhaps. Reminding us of how in the cities we forget the advent of the day as an event. At the breakfast table you are greeted by an old gentleman, full of desire to talk and reflect on the past or bring us to greet history that’s hidden in each part of a more than 200 yr old house or the ingenuity of wormiculture.
Soon there is a bike (my fav Pulsar) to head of to the first beach. We hit the road that winds through peacefully through the houses and the trees and the lakes and … Each house with a “pair” of chairs outside the porch. As if they’ve witnessed so many incidents, captured so many moments and heard so many stories that they’ve decided to entertain each other with their own experiences. We go past through the churches, some already done with their service and some abuzz with celebrations.
Soon we reach Anjuna, where the sea greets us with not a ferocious roar but a gentle hum. One is eager to feel the sand beneath the feet. To make the footprints in sand. And watch them being washed away, unless someone decides to follow them. The sea is playful, trying to touch our feet or asking us to touch its lips. A kiss is a kiss. It happens and it gives joy. Walking past the numerous small eateries to the rocky ends, one can lie down and close the eyes. With the shades shielding from the sun, the ears at their eager best to listen to the music of water. The eyes trying to capture the moment of beauty in form of a lady, with astute figure and a tall graceful walk, with a payal in one leg… Gajagamini? As if everything had been set to a script. The script written by my companion?
Before one is soaked into the beauty the sun’s giving its last salute. One decides to watch it go down with a glass of wine. Sauvignon Blanc so it should be then.. The night back is as peaceful as it can be. Some wonderful food under gentle lights and light breeze and minimal noise. Joslin is at his best again.
The after dinner walk as usual is full of composure, calm and astute love again. The discussion, in its silence is more loud. The touch of fingers is more verbal. The moonlight is dim and the darkness is glowing.
The fall of night two …
Soon headed back. Back to the abode. Back to the greeting by dogs barking. And the fragrance of Jasmine. The tranquility of Assagaon.
Soon the end of night three. This time ushered in over a glass of whiskey. And the site of an old couple. The gentleman as perfectly poised as one can get and the lady as graceful as one can expect. A lot .. a lot they have to teach even if you just watch them.
Day 3 : As much as one can hear about the beaches in

Towards the night one reflects back on the days gone by and the day of good bye ahead. The times of joy and the times of silence. And how much this place has on offer. Wouldn’t the few words one can write be inadequate? Off course they would be.
Before one realizes the night is over. And its time to say good bye to all. To our friendly uncle to Joslin .. To Joseph.. To aunt
And Yes.. Its time for me to say bye to my moments of “jyo”. She for that matter wouldn’t take the credit or much as she may dislike it, It wouldn’t have been what it was without her. Beyond that my words would do gross injustice to her. For those who wanna know what I mean can read all that they did above in a much better manner here.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Bebasee kaa shahar
कुछ बेबस शरीर,
सुबह चलते हैं दो पैरों पर,
शाम तक कुछ रेंगते, कुछ घिसट ते,
दोहरी क़मर पर कुछ यूं संभलते ही
कुछ तंग कपड़ों में,
तो कुछ तंगहाली में,
हैं तो सब नंगे ही
किसी को एक और जाम की प्यास,
तो किसी को पहली बूँद की आस,
हैं तो सब प्यासे ही
किसी का हो आखरी जवाब,
तो किसी का पहला प्रश्न,
हैं तो सब प्रश्नचिंह ही
कोई सूरज की पहली किरण पर,
तो कोई सूरज की आखरी रौशनी में,
सोये हुये तो अनगिनत हैं ही
कहीं टाट के पैबंद,
तो कहीं मखमल के परदे,
गंदिगी तो सब जगह छुपी है ही
कोई एक पैर पर ट्रेन में,
तो कोई एक सीट पर बस में,
गाय बैल के तरह ठुसे तो सब हैं ही
हैरान हूँ में, परेशां भी,
चाहते क्या हैं सब,
ये जानते नहीं
में कौन सा अलबेला हूँ,
भीड़ में खोया तो हूँ मैं भी